Potential delay in Colorado wolf introduction

I have two friends in BC who guide moose and elk hunts for over 30 years . They complained that the wolves up their really damaged the moose populations and as a result the covet yanked their licenses due to the drop in moose populations. Wolves pretty much wiped out the mountain caribou herds in S BC, N Idaho.

As you know the shut down grizzly hunting in BC even though their populations are growing. What was the justification behind that move. Looking at how your govt arrested church leaders during Covid and locked protestors bank accounts down says it all.

Do you mange to get out in the woods very often?
I live in Alberta, don’t have to deal with any of that nonsense. BC is basically socialist at this point. Have no desire to hunt a gbear so could care less about that. Extant Caribou populations south of the arctic circle are pretty much relic populations from the last ice age and are going the same way as the wooly mammoth, can’t say I’m surprised.

And yes, I get out in the woods quite a lot, probably more than you. Have my Métis status and harvesting right so I can hunt year round. But if you wanna get a hate on for Canada cause of what the govt did during covid, I’d look around your own backyard first.
People who think this is just about wolves being on the landscape and not a way for them to outright get rid of hunting in Co have something coming to them. If you read the legislation, the animal activists that pushed this through did so to destroy the NAM of wildlife management and rewrite it in their own image. Few things, they will never let humans use lethal means to manage the wolves in Co. They want wolves in every corner of “habitat” in the state, lastly they will adjust hunter opportunity based off what the wolves do. If they wolves are taking more than enough, deer, elk, and moose, sheep. They will close down the hunting opportunities for humans. This is going to be a long painful journey for us from Co
People who think this is just about wolves being on the landscape and not a way for them to outright get rid of hunting in Co have something coming to them. If you read the legislation, the animal activists that pushed this through did so to destroy the NAM of wildlife management and rewrite it in their own image. Few things, they will never let humans use lethal means to manage the wolves in Co. They want wolves in every corner of “habitat” in the state, lastly they will adjust hunter opportunity based off what the wolves do. If they wolves are taking more than enough, deer, elk, and moose, sheep. They will close down the hunting opportunities for humans. This is going to be a long painful journey for us from Co
Like I said above, the money to fund the campaign came from George Soros. The guy is destroying America a million dollars at a time.
Like I said above, the money to fund the campaign came from George Soros. The guy is destroying America a million dollars at a time.
Absolutely correct. This was a thumb in our eye. Worst part is there are sportsmen who went along with this. It passed by the smallest of margins and the big money groups from the coasts were able to get their way. This bill is pointless, Jared will veto it for his hubby. He is term limited and has nothing to lose. Our only hope is a moderate D governor which is probably a pipe dream at this point in Co… or we get a ballot initiative to stop it or make wolf hunting legal, which is kind of another pipe dream
Absolutely correct. This was a thumb in our eye. Worst part is there are sportsmen who went along with this. It passed by the smallest of margins and the big money groups from the coasts were able to get their way. This bill is pointless, Jared will veto it for his hubby. He is term limited and has nothing to lose. Our only hope is a moderate D governor which is probably a pipe dream at this point in Co… or we get a ballot initiative to stop it or make wolf hunting legal, which is kind of another pipe dream
Yep, all sad but true. Guess all of us with any love left for our way of life will have to take over Wyoming or Montana. The residents might not like that idea now, but at least we can counter act all the idiots who moved there from liberal places, to keep voting for the same crap.
Yep, all sad but true. Guess all of us with any love left for our way of life will have to take over Wyoming or Montana. The residents might not like that idea now, but at least we can counter act all the idiots who moved there from liberal places, to keep voting for the same crap.
Yep, I’m locked in to fight for my home state for at least another 20 years, it will be wild to see what the state looks like, my last 30ish has seen a ton of change. After that might have to circle the wagons somewhere else. Shame what’s happened here. I really do love this place
Yep, all sad but true. Guess all of us with any love left for our way of life will have to take over Wyoming or Montana. The residents might not like that idea now, but at least we can counter act all the idiots who moved there from liberal places, to keep voting for the same crap.
Unfortunately the entire western culture and way of life is being destroyed by libs
Unfortunately the entire western culture and way of life is being destroyed by libs
That's because we just complain and don't stick together. We need to join groups like HOWL or other groups like that and start working together. I think if we would do that we could push back! What is frustrating is we pay CPW to get the experts to manage the herds and the state gags them and they can speak.
That's because we just complain and don't stick together. We need to join groups like HOWL or other groups like that and start working together. I think if we would do that we could push back! What is frustrating is we pay CPW to get the experts to manage the herds and the state gags them and they can speak.
Not only that but we have a board of commissioners that doesn't know squat about wildlife management, some of which have their own agendas, and they get to overrule CPW staff.
This is what you'll read more and more.....

"Colorado Parks and Wildlife could not confirm the calf was killed by wolves and did not compensate Sykes. The agency said wind and snow covered potential tracks, and GPS collars indicated the two wolves were not in the area at the time of the kill."
SB23-256 Passed with amendments. 10J needs to be in place prior to paws on the ground. Sounds like that still is possible in 2023 but likely 2024.
So Denver news 9 reported last night that Colorado does not know where they will get the wolves they plan to put on Colorado ground.

Wyoming governor is said to have already said no..lol

Other potential states to get the wolves from include Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.

If you live in these other states we kindly ask that you say NO as well.

I suppose one fix for this is for no other state to agree to giving Colorado wolves for the reintroduction.

Everyone follow Wyomings lead here!!!

Wait!!!! These persons that want wolves here so bad are not so bright.. if someone could do something a little backwards.....
Dress some sheep up in wolves clothing and pass them along to CO. CPW. 🤣
With the environmental study removed before it got to the floor, this bill is kinda lackluster, which just might explain the level of support it got. Everyone is now pointing look, I heard your wolf concerns and supported good legislation!

Anyone see what's included in passed verison of the bill?

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Washington state will not hesitate to give us wolves... It's likely that fleeing residents will leave and bring wolves and their politics with them... It's ironic that both already exist here...