Idaho's Nez Perce Tribe will likely provide Colorado with wolves

No. They do pretty much whatever they like and get away with it. Here's an example: my neighbors property borders tribal land. Two tribal citizens shot a game animal on my neighbors property without permission, and I watched them do it. When they saw me they ran, but I was on the phone with the game Warden immediately and they were caught. Both were felons in possession of firearms while on probation. Neither had a hunting license. They went to court. No fines were issued, no revocation of rights or privileges, and no jail time for being felons in possession of firearms while out on probation. They received an additional 6 months of unsupervised probation.
I'm not sure if things are handled this way across the nation, but I've seen similar results in several states
Sounds par for the course… rules for thee, but not for me…
I was not aware of this…
That was the problem… basically no one was. The intention of the activists was to slide it in and ensure wolves will never be hunted here and have established packs on “every piece of viable habitat in the state”
That was the problem… basically no one was. The intention of the activists was to slide it in and ensure wolves will never be hunted here and have established packs on “every piece of viable habitat in the state”
The worst of the activists are paid for by us, also laughingly known as Public Servants.
No. They do pretty much whatever they like and get away with it. Here's an example: my neighbors property borders tribal land. Two tribal citizens shot a game animal on my neighbors property without permission, and I watched them do it. When they saw me they ran, but I was on the phone with the game Warden immediately and they were caught. Both were felons in possession of firearms while on probation. Neither had a hunting license. They went to court. No fines were issued, no revocation of rights or privileges, and no jail time for being felons in possession of firearms while out on probation. They received an additional 6 months of unsupervised probation.
I'm not sure if things are handled this way across the nation, but I've seen similar results in several states
AKA: White Privilege
Birds of a feather flock together.

No surprise that a tribe is willing to give a raging left wing Governor what he wants.

Tribes do what they want, when they want, almost without fail.
When you vote for democrat politicians this day in age, this is what you get. Permanent damage to hunting opportunities. Wolves will be decimating game populations in CO for the rest of our life times and the increasing number of democrat city voters attracted to the state will mean you will probably never get the chance to manage the population of wolves. When you combine this with other hunting bans and attacks on firearms you really set the legacy of hunting in the state of CO and North America on a track of total destruction.

If only all the lobbyists on places like hunttalk were as concerned about this issue as they were with lobbying to ensure union step cost of living raises, the ability to work from home permanently, and the maintenance of campgrounds/ parking lots/roads. I remember the outdoor lobbyists spent every minute of every day hyperventilating that the Trump Admin was going to transfer every acre of federal land to states and fire every employee. In the end, very little federal land lost if any (was the net number of acres transfered 0 or less? I can not remember) and a net increase in employees.

Now, hunters suffer the consequences of those same conservation lobbyists acquiescing with anti hunting policy or initiatives on some of the most important issues to sportsman in favor of political allies that sign their pay checks. The result ? We will see but my guess is the Biden Admin and USFW and other agencies sit silently while this transfer of apex predators occurs, essentially screwing over CO hunters and years of conservation efforts and investment permanently. Oh and conveniently, the tribal partners that the Biden Administration would not dare saying no to, will get a fat tax payer funded pay check to help transfer wolves into CO where they would be in less than a decade mostly likely anyhow. I bet there is even going to be a press release saying how nicely everyone worked together.

When you factor in the millions of acres of renewables on public land that none of those lobbyists have said a peep about...less game, less public land to hunt=less hunting opportunity and less hunters. Thanks guys for all your D endorsements that helped you guys guys get paid for another cycle out of the deal.

And spare me the "muh ballot initiative" talk. Electing sane officials instead of the modern democrat would have put a stop to this.
Very well said.
I would never do it, but I bet some people will just shoot them on sight and not talk about it. I don't however think that reintroduction is a good idea, especially for those who hunt. There is a lot of information out there on what happens to the ungulate populations when wolves are present.

But the long game agenda is to eliminate hunting, and reintroduction will certainly help that cause.
Between the Nez Perce and the Umatilla's they have pretty well screwed up our Blue Mtns. in Southeastern Washington. The Umatilla National Forest Service will not go to the bathroom without first consulting the Umatilla tribe. If you make a request for road use or building a ORV trail you must first ask the tribe and if they approve it (Which they never have) then the F.S. will listen to your request and then the Game Dept. will kill it because it might scare an animal. The Umatilla's are also allowed to enter the Walla Walla Watershed area (Which is closed to everybody else year around, except those with a Elk Draw tag and day use only) for their spiritual journeys. The Nez Perce have boundaries they are suppose to follow in the Blues (A handshake agreement with the game dept) but never abide by. Also both tribes never report their kills to the game dept. The tribes regulate (LOL) their own hunting seasons, but tell the game dept to pound sand when ask about their kill numbers. They haul pickup loads of Elk out of the mountains every summer for Sustenance food, funny how they like to eat large branched antler bull elk better than cow elk.
I agree with this assessment, they make money selling the horns. They laugh about it They helped destroy the 10a moose population just like the blues Bull Elk. Game departments have nothing to stand on, I worked with a native gal for a short amount of time and she filled me in on the unbelievable gifted rights for fishing and hunting granted to them in their treaty with the feds. Us native white guys get to sit and watch.