Idaho's Nez Perce Tribe will likely provide Colorado with wolves

What are you even saying?
sarcasm /sär′kăz″əm/


  1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to express contempt or ridicule.
  2. A form of wit characterized by the use of such remarks.
    "detected a hint of sarcasm in his voice."
  3. A biting taunt or gibe, or the use of such a taunt; a bitter, cutting expression; a satirical remark or expression, uttered with scorn or contempt; in rhetoric, a form of irony; bitter irony.
At some point the rural voters in this country are going to have enough of the city liberals and there stupid ideas. This is just one more and happens to be in Colorado this time. I've heard that people are starting to not talk to the CPW now and close their gates and tell the biologist and Wardens to not come on there property. Good.