Until Colorado closes the loophole for bringing wildlife issues to the ballot box, Colorado is screwed!!! Within the next 2-5 years there will be a ban on Mountain lion and Bobcat hunting, there will be a lead bullet ban, Colorado is lost now, lost to the liberals moving in here, they have brought their beliefs and issues here and it's tilted waaayyyyy left now and sadly it isn't going to get back to the good ole days.
CPW had stopped the wolf reintroduction numerous times and it wasn't until they put a gag order on the CPW staff that it finally squeaked by. That tells you what kind of governor Colorado has and I don't see a Republican ever holding that office again.
The only way to get attention on this matter is Boycott Colorado, don't hunt here, don't spend any money here that funds CPW and hit them in the bank account. But I'm realistic and know that this will never happen so we'll keep funding the monster and people will just sit back and complain all while hunting in the King's forest after you have asked for permission of course.