
5 miles Saturday morning looking for Mr. Blacktail. Passed up a decent forky buck, still a lot of season left.

This morning was...
Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds:
5 box jumps @ 35"
+ 3 snatch grip deadlifts
+ 2 hang squat snatches
+ 1 overhead squat
(60%+ of max snatch)

7 minute AMRAP:
-10 overhead squats @ 105#
-30 double unders
-150m run
Unfortunately strained my back very badly on Monday - had to take the week off training.

Silver lining was I spent alot of time at the range. Got the wife hitting an 8 inch gong at 625 yards which was a great afternoon for us.

Did a wolf hunt this morning, 5 miles with 30 pounds. No dice but watched a cow moose from 100 yards for 30 minutes or so which was cool.
Got home last night. We had a great trip; my buddy killed a buck and a doe in the same herd. I was looking for something big and finally found him Sunday evening. The lone buck was on a mission and we couldn't catch him. Turned out he slipped off the property we were hunting onto some winter wheat with a dozen does waiting for him—can't say I blame him :D

We hiked in the dark the next morning and he was still in the wheat fields; gave him several hours but he never returned. Snuck on a few different bunches, but no big bucks—next year! :)

25-ish miles with a lot of up/down w/ a 20-ish lb pack; few those miles with 50-ish lb packs.

Put me over the 1600 mile mark.
