
An easy two miles yesterday; made up for it today- 1900’ in 1.3 miles with a 40# pack; made a loop out of it once at the top for 6 miles total.
5 miles 850'

6 hours cutting/clearing fields in front of stands at farm.

took a little break to watch my team beat the #1 ranked team in the country for the first time ever. then took another break to watch my daughter's team beat the #4 team in the country. Pretty good Saturday all around.
@sargent - go get 'em!

Sh1T show in Missoula, car is deader than a door nail- jumping does nothing, appears battery is not the issue, but likely an ignition switch/module- got to love modern electronics in vehicles. Took forever to get a flatbed to tow it into the dealer, said he's way backed up not sure when he can get to it. Thankfully my niece and her husband have a third vehicle and let us drive it home to Helena. Anywho got home and it was too hot and too smokey, so went to the gym to strength train.

squats 3/3/3+/amrap @70/80/90/70%
bench 3/3/3+/amrap @70/80/90/70%
pullups 25-22-20
dips 2 x 35
Going 3 day a week limited full body lift, focusing on the miles for next month until departure.
BB Bench 10/10/8/6 + amrap 135/185/225/265 + 185
DB Arnolds 3x8 60s
Hammer chest rows 3x10 180
chin-ups 3x8
KB carry 2x1 minute 60s

3 miles

@sargent Wish you the best!

@mtwarden that sucks but can relate. Farm over the weekend, tractor and ranger both with DEAD batteries, no jumping. Older tractor with good battery, flat and empty (liquid filled) rear tire.