
I'm back from my elk hunt. I found a big bull on my sixth day in the unit, hunted him for two evenings and two mornings, and finally caught up to him on the last morning of the hunt. Unfortunately, I screwed up by accidentally ranging some trees between me and the elk and shot low. Looks like everybody has been staying busy.

2 miles with the family today.
Saturday, I got to pack a little blacktail buck out of a nasty canyon for my dad. He turns 73 in a little over a week, I can't think of a better way to spend a morning.

This morning:
Every 2 minutes for 10 rounds (2x through):
-30 cal ski erg 1st round / 30 cal row 2nd round
-15 toes to bar + 2 (1:1) hang snatches @ 80%+
-50 double unders+ 2 (1:1) hang snatches @ 80%+
-Max cal echo bike 1st round / Max cal assault runner 2nd round
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Deadlift x 3-4 reps

These sets should be challenging. If you reach the top end of the range, increase the load until you’re unable to do so.

5 Rounds for time of:
20 KB or DB Russian Swings
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges with DB Goblet Hold
20 Box Step Ups
Easy day. I slept in a bit. Got up and did about 30min of head to toe stretching, warmed up with light dumbbells and rolled out. Worked, then me and the youngest finally got everything loaded. I launch in the morning to set up our elk camp.

I have worked 3000hrs this calendar year so far. I am past burnt out. I only have to work a few days throughout our entire season. I’m out! Good luck to all of you with a MT tag.
5 miles (500') with Tiny Elvis this afternoon.

Well my big plans for a mule deer trip just went down the tubes :(. Was going to meet my buddy tomorrow and get a day and a half of scouting in before the opener. Just talked to him and he's got plantar fasciitis pretty bad (he recently finished 500 miles doing the Colorado Trail w/o any issues). It's very steep, technical country and also very active grizzly country, so a solo trip wouldn't be overly wise.

Probably end up chasing elk locally.