
Finally closed on old home and got moved to farm. Looks like y'all are still getting after it in the gym and in the backcountry

Monday- push
Today- pull, no rest
Dead man hang 45 sec x3
Incline db row 14/12/10 70s
Seated front pulldown 12/11/10
Seated low row 15/12/11
Standing plate good morning 15/12/12
Rear delt fly with bands x3
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Deadlift x 3-4 reps

These should be challenging sets. If you make 4 successful reps, you should increase the load. If you performed these reps last week, your goal should be to increase load

For time:
Run 800m
80 Alternating Reverse Lunges with KB/DB Farmer’s Carry
Run 800m
Partner Workout
9 minute AMRAP:
Partner A: max cal rows
Partner B: 2 rounds of...
-10 Russian KB swings
-10 single arm KB front rack squats (switch each round)
-10 Russian twists w/ med-ball
(switch places after partner B completes 2 rounds)

-2 minute rest-

9 minute AMRAP:
Partner A: max cal assault runner
Partner B: 2 rounds of...
-10 slam balls
-10 push-ups
-10 ab-mat situps
(switch places after partner B completes 2 rounds)
Got home last night from being gone for about 10 days for work. Did a head to toe DB workout with pull ups, push ups and abs mixed in. Then had beers with our friends around the fire pit.

Now I have 3 days off where we’ll be in full bore hunting season prep. PT hikes, food prep, dialing gear in, shooting the gong at long range, etc. I am checking out and have the vast majority of hunting season off.

Today, the wife and I hiked 1400vert with 55lbs. Straight up, straight down.