Wyoming Corner Crossing defense fund

Sportsman will lose. On one side you have interest that can afford a $20 million dollar property. On the other you have a go fund me account. It's really that simple.

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But the sportsmen have heart and want to use that land.

if the 2 higher court rulings are correct, it would seem that precedence is established.
Sportsman will lose. On one side you have interest that can afford a $20 million dollar property. On the other you have a go fund me account. It's really that simple.
Not necessarily. This country was based on equal protection under the law.. at least up until the point Obama weaponized & politicized the whole DOJ, etc. but I digress...
Sportsman will lose. On one side you have interest that can afford a $20 million dollar property. On the other you have a go fund me account. It's really that simple.

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To that I say 217 people have voted with their wallets to support these men's day in court.

It really is that simple. You very well may eat those words later. It's time to let the courts decide.
You are just typing, know nothing of any of rulings nor how they can be interpreted. Must be nice to sit back and wait, continue to enjoy the sweat and tears of those that put thier skin in the game to try and make a difference.

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Are you an actual attorney? You could be. If you're just a guide or outdoor writer, movie-maker, legal language is diff from communicative language. My son in law is an attorney, he traps people in corners all the time - almost fun to watch. I used to quail hunt with a judge too - nice guy. They think diff from most normal people.

The laws have been this way as long as there has been federal and BLM land. Why does it have to change now? More people? They aren't "fair". Without OnXmaps I never would have gone west to hunt. The trespass BS is real and the landowners have a reputation for pushing for it.

The court can't change the law, they are supposed to interpret the law.

The real question is - Why should the WY Legislature vote to change the trespass laws to favor the common person over the land owner?

Will be interesting to see how it turns out.

As for sitting back - I started a pro-hunting organization over 20 years ago and have put in more time and effort than 99% of the folks on here and that you speak to. I've been slandered, accused, and hated cause I stepped forward and did stuff that people only bitched about. Got a thick skin these days and have had positive results
(new hunting seasons and species, new hunting areas, kept some stuff from closing down, and fought to keep access and opportunity)
and some failures
(mainly disagreements among the loudest (think folks like Buzz) created division and kept us from getting anything at all - they were always happy to have stymied progress and kept on with their B&Ming).
Always gave it a go.
Anyway, you sound young & powerful - make something happen over the next however many years you decide to donate to the grateful and ungrateful alike.

@dirtytough - excellent!
I believe that would be encroaching on the public ground air space?

And serve only to stop access?
A landowner would be encroaching on public airspace if he installed something on his land?
Yes it would stop access. I’m not saying it’s a good thing for guys that want to corner cross. I’m saying it’s an easy way to stop it from happening.
A landowner would be encroaching on public airspace if he installed something on his land?
Yes it would stop access. I’m not saying it’s a good thing for guys that want to corner cross. I’m saying it’s an easy way to stop it from happening.
Yes, that's the crux of the agrument. The corner is finite point. It can not be crossed from public to public or private to private without crossing the air space of the other. A wall that goes from private to private will cross public land air space.
So the fine is $450?

sounds like a cheap trespass fee to me. Haven’t run into a spot where corners were an issue but I promise I’ll walk right over a corner when I find one.
The court can't change the law, they are supposed to interpret the law.
What the law is and what the law is preceived to be is where this issue lies.

I think there will continue to be more political push for access to public lands as the population grows and recreation opportunities shrink.
These past couple more "average" American have gotten outside of populated areas to recreate on public lands. I believe this increase has heightened the awareness of this private land owner controlling public lands bullshit.

Majority always (atlest in theory) wins at the ballot box.

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Yes, that's the crux of the agrument. The corner is finite point. It can not be crossed from public to public or private to private without crossing the air space of the other. A wall that goes from private to private will cross public land air space.
I didn’t say a wall. I said a couple posts 2” off the property lines. That way you make sure they are on your land, not encroaching on public, etc.
How about a tall, hot wire fence that is all on private land that prevents hunters from crossing corners? Where there is a will there likely is a way?
I didn’t say a wall. I said a couple posts 2” off the property lines. That way you make sure they are on your land, not encroaching on public, etc.
A single visible pole accomplishes much the same and encroachs on each stake holder equally. All it would do is identify the exact place to cross, allowing one to cross without even a foot step on private land.

Obliviously in this exact case it wasn't needed and the marker is easily identifiable.

Of course trespass has nothing to do with the issue-- does a neighboring private land owner have MORE rights to public land then anyone and everyone else?

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A single visible pole accomplishes much the same and encroachs on each stake holder equally. All it would do is identify the exact place to cross, allowing one to cross without even a foot step on private land.

Obliviously in this exact case it wasn't needed and the marker is easily identifiable.

Of course trespass has nothing to do with the issue-- does a neighboring private land owner have MORE rights to public land then anyone and everyone else?

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How are you going to cross a corner legally with 10' posts 2" apart on each corner of the private?

I'm not saying anything about rights, fairness, etc. I'm saying that win or lose that landowner can stop it with very minimal work.
The laws have been this way as long as there has been federal and BLM land. Why does it have to change now? More people? They aren't "fair". Without OnXmaps I never would have gone west to hunt. The trespass BS is real and the landowners have a reputation for pushing for it.
I think we can agree that the access has not always been this adversarial and that the access issue has been largely driven by recreational properties and monitizing hunting.
Just remember public land is not public if the general public can not get to it because of private lands.

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It is still public land, the deed is held in trust for the american people and we all pay for its management. The only difference is you have been alienated from accessing it.
How are you going to cross a corner legally with 10' posts 2" apart on each corner of the private?

I'm not saying anything about rights, fairness, etc. I'm saying that win or lose that landowner can stop it with very minimal work.
That would be a lot of posts in Sweetwater county

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