Corner Crossing 2024?

One of the reasons I love Onx, People still try to play dumb though.

I had a conversation with a warden about corner crossing and it ended up with him telling me about a cpl guys he popped. They said they crossed at the corner so he asked to see their onx tracks. They pulled out the phone and showed him the track going straight into the private.
Better off using Onx then trusting their fence placement
Half way agree, having two separate indicators on the property line puts you in red flag zone and does you no favors. A fence lining up with a corner gives you a much better feeling on your exact location. Either way, why have tracks on?
Must have been a stupid warden I talked to. I showed him where I was corner crossing, he said "turn your tracks on and if the LO gives you crap, here's my number; It's illegal to harass a hunter in Wyoming".
No, I’ll use the tools that I have and they can prove how I got there. I’m not handing anything to anyone.
I think OnX is #2

The 1st is established fence lines

I used to think this but since moving west a few years ago and frequently recreating on public land, I’ve come to realize the vast majority of fences are placed to keep livestock contained and often they are 20+ feet off based on GPS and/or survey markers. Right next to my house there’s a fence that I always assumed marked the property border of a few neighbors but recently I compared it to GPS and realized it is over 50 feet off, likely due to a creek and rocky terrain making it difficult to place the fence on the border.
Fence lines came up in testimony yesterday during HB109 (mandatory license suspension for trespass) and it was noted most of the fences around the ranches were for grazing pasture designation, not for property lines.

Good to know.

And I’ve also came across fences that don’t jive with OnX, but I didn’t see any better hunting in that 50’ or so.
Many times fences are constructed where it is easiest and neighboring LOs accept them as property boundaries over time, adverse possession also comes into play in some instances. Usually they are more historical fences, meaning have been there for decades before more modern machinery made building fences easier.
Public grazing leases are also not always fenced separately from private lands.
Sure it is. It is the number 1 tool used by WG&F and Sheriff's to determine private land boundaries. If there isn't a survey stake, and you can show your path stayed on public according to the app, you are good.

Well it depends, if there's no survey pin then OnX can be used to prove you in the clear. Obviously if you trespass having OnX track you would be a bad idea.

What do you do when onx records your track incorrectly? I've seen instances on the same trail where it can be a decent amount off. I've also been on wma walking a fence line with clear boundaries and signs and my track wonders onto private according to onx.
What do you do when onx records your track incorrectly? I've seen instances on the same trail where it can be a decent amount off. I've also been on wma walking a fence line with clear boundaries and signs and my track wonders onto private according to onx.
Seconding this. I feel like my location in OnX during a track is usually right within 20 ft or so. Most obvious if I go out and back on an established trail with the track on. Maybe the GW just means they want to see the effort to get to the corner, as opposed to a straight-line march across the middle of the private land?

Here's an example of what I'm talking about about:
Seconding this. I feel like my location in OnX during a track is usually right within 20 ft or so. Most obvious if I go out and back on an established trail with the track on. Maybe the GW is just me and they want to see the effort to get to the corner, as opposed to a straight-line march across the middle of the private land?

Here's an example of what I'm talking about about:
View attachment 837789
yea, that's all the time. Certainly no way an onx track would hold up in court for a corner cross, unless like you say, it shows intention.
Seconding this. I feel like my location in OnX during a track is usually right within 20 ft or so. Most obvious if I go out and back on an established trail with the track on. Maybe the GW just means they want to see the effort to get to the corner, as opposed to a straight-line march across the middle of the private land?

Here's an example of what I'm talking about about:
View attachment 837789
If you click the track does it change?

Mine has been accurate pretty close, have some tiny holes in thick West Texas brush that you can't see with a flashlight and always have to use my track to punch through. I did have issues previously when it was in my pocket and my phone was limiting power use.