No its not, at least that I'm aware of. I spoke to Dan end of 2023 and we talked over #s and the need to focus on defeating the lion ballot. That was achieved.
In this case the number/percentage needed to overturn a previous ballot issue, ie stop/reverse wolf reintroduction is the same as needed for a constitutional right to hunt (vs just a simple majority for ballot initiative).
At the time I spoke with Dan end of 2023, the "advisors" suggested it would take approx 2 mil to get Constitutional amendment for right to hunt on the ballot and win. Looking at what was spend on some of the other (much less inspiring) ballot initiatives this last fall $2 mil is very doable.
So, I would ask what is the down side to spending goodwill and financial capital on shooting for a semi definitive solution vs potentially burning a great deal of capital (social and financial) on what is probably a more difficult battle with less return on investment.
I'm sure as sh*t not happy with the wolf situational and would love to see it reversed, however it should not distract from the big picture. Polis and his ilk are coming for hunting/trapping/access to natural resources in Colorado, full stop.