Corner Crossing 2024?

If you click the track does it change?
I think the right way to explain it would be that it gets more precise, but not more accurate.

So in the picture above, if I click on either track, I see more detailed twisting and turning. And I think that each of those turns is approximately correct. Like when it shows I've veered a little bit to the right for 3 yd, I probably did turn a little bit right there.

But those two tracks are still about 30 yards apart. When I made them, I was walking on a fire break that's maybe 10 or 12 ft wide. I didn't deliberately walk down one side and up the other. (I probably mostly walked right back over the same ground because it was the easiest or quietest place to walk.) But even if I had, there's like 80 ft of variance that's not explained.

Editing to add: So I think whatever in this phone is sensing me turning or speeding up is doing okay. But my first guess is that the actual geolocation it's starting from is off.
I’d say call the GW who covers that area and ask before you do it. That way you know you’re 100% in the clear if you’re legitimately crossing an established corner. Gotta watch out for the landowners who have a trail camera viewing a corner LOL
I think the right way to explain it would be that it gets more precise, but not more accurate.

So in the picture above, if I click on either track, I see more detailed twisting and turning. And I think that each of those turns is approximately correct. Like when it shows I've veered a little bit to the right for 3 yd, I probably did turn a little bit right there.

But those two tracks are still about 30 yards apart. When I made them, I was walking on a fire break that's maybe 10 or 12 ft wide. I didn't deliberately walk down one side and up the other. (I probably mostly walked right back over the same ground because it was the easiest or quietest place to walk.) But even if I had, there's like 80 ft of variance that's not explained.

Editing to add: So I think whatever in this phone is sensing me turning or speeding up is doing okay. But my first guess is that the actual geolocation it's starting from is off.
Gotcha, yes that's what I meant I wasn't sure if the display was off or the source. A 30 yard difference is pretty crazy.
You guys stressing the little details should avoid it. Scary stuff, I get it. As to the answers to the previous questions, I'll let you guys figure it out or not. Good luck fellas.
You guys stressing the little details should avoid it. Scary stuff, I get it. As to the answers to the previous questions, I'll let you guys figure it out or not. Good luck fellas.
I'm not stressing, just confused, or maybe curious.

I've dealt with plenty of LE who would thank you kindly then cheerfully start writing your ticket if you showed them a track 30 yards on private property as proof of your "innocence". So deliberately generating and then volunteering that information is not anything I'd in a million years think to do.

Does phone GPS work that much better in wide open spaces? Does the crisp Wyoming air just render officers more sensible and conciliatory? Is there an OnX setting I missed?

(Actually, for me it's mostly that last one: In my non-hunting life I'm a map nerd, and I'm wondering if I could get more out of OnX. But admittedly, I'm an Eastern hunter hoping to to go west one day, not someone out on BLM every year.)
I'm not stressing, just confused, or maybe curious.

I've dealt with plenty of LE who would thank you kindly then cheerfully start writing your ticket if you showed them a track 30 yards on private property as proof of your "innocence". So deliberately generating and then volunteering that information is not anything I'd in a million years think to do.

Does phone GPS work that much better in wide open spaces? Does the crisp Wyoming air just render officers more sensible and conciliatory? Is there an OnX setting I missed?

(Actually, for me it's mostly that last one: In my non-hunting life I'm a map nerd, and I'm wondering if I could get more out of OnX. But admittedly, I'm an Eastern hunter hoping to to go west one day, not someone out on BLM every year.)
If you have OnX tracking on and the tracking line doesn’t go right through the four-way intersection at the corner back up. And cross wherever you need to to make that line pass directly through the corner. That will show that you crossed where you are supposed to.

Even though there may be a margin of error, it would be impossible to prove where you walked as opposed to where the line is. And that works both ways. Even if they thought you trespassed based on your tracking line the margin of error could work in your favor. If you are accused of a crime, the burden of proof is on the accuser. All it takes is some common sense and a little bit of balls.

I corner hopped over in unit seven back in the late 80s. Huge ranch where hunting rights had been leased by an outfitter.
The rancher gave us a really hard time and called law-enforcement. Law enforcement advised we don’t do it again, but also said there was nothing he could do.
To have evidence that you crossed exactly at the corner and didn’t walk directly over private land. You wouldn’t necessarily have to show anyone but it could come in handy.

Also so that you can backtrack your exact same route.
I question the accuracy of onx based on my results with my own property marks. Either that or the survey markers are wrong. My luck, one day my track would be in public but my return trip would be 5 ft in private...

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I know I'd put up a few hundred bucks to support anyone fighting that battle. I bet a good GoFundMe would raise quite a bit nationwide. There's a lot of people annoyed with our public property being used as private playgrounds.

I see you bumped an old thread to post that. Are you by chance a landowner concerned about people corner crossing near you? Your post does sound a bit threatening.

I am not a land owner in the West-- no dog in that hunt.

No threats, just a cold dose of reality. Lawsuits are no b/s and v v friggin expensive. Chest thumpers are quickly stunned by $20k/mo or more legal bills... that go on for years.

Was checking status of those earlier posts on corner crossing legality/lawsuits.
I do manage a hunting farm in the East, but corner crossing is not an issue here.
Sure it is. It is the number 1 tool used by WG&F and Sheriff's to determine private land boundaries. If there isn't a survey stake, and you can show your path stayed on public according to the app, you are good. Again, you are innocent until proven guilty. How would anyone prove you crossed at the wrong place,

I get most guys are too nervous to do it. That's why those properties are still good.
When you cross using OnX today and it shows you on The Map on your GPS, great!

But later today or tomorrow, it shows you 5-10ft OFF The Map using the F&G Officer's GPS... NOW WHAT?!

We have ALL seen OnX markers move in steep terrain. They are far from perfect.

It is not as accurate as a survey. It "might" be defensible in court as a good-faith effort, but it is not accurate/repeatable.

When you cross using OnX today and it shows you on The Map on your GPS, great!

But later today or tomorrow, it shows you 5-10ft OFF The Map using the F&G Officer's GPS... NOW WHAT?!

We have ALL seen OnX markers move in steep terrain. They are far from perfect.

It is not as accurate as a survey. It "might" be defensible in court as a good-faith effort, but it is not accurate/repeatable.

So what you’re saying is if I can’t prove it…. Neither can they.
Old school! take pictures of your boot tracks with reference to property line markers.

If you can find it, take a picture of the pin and mark it on your OnX app. Not sure how it would even be disputed with hard evidence like this.

If folks are worried about tracks moving 20’ after the fact, travel the boundaries on the next cattle trail 50’ off the boundary.

If you’re willing to corner cross, why wouldn’t a guy take the extra precautions to make sure he’s in the right?
If you do corner cross, I’d suggest sharing nothing with law enforcement beyond “I didn’t trespass, I stayed on public all day, and please direct further questions to my attorney.” All you’re going to do is talk yourself or share information into a ticket. The burden of proof lies on the state. You don’t have to prove a thing. Save your evidence for court.

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