Wyoming Corner Crossing defense fund

I’m only up to having read the first 50 post or so here and I saw the sheriff deputy’s body cam YouTube video of the discussion with the land/ranch manager and WGF officer. The video seemingly shows a heavy bias against non residents. I’d bet hard that the ranch manager knowingly allows his resident friends, buddies, friends of friends, local LE, etc to cross those same corners anytime, but maybe that is considered “with permission”. Glad the MO hunters were found not guilty on the criminal trespass charges.
I am only speculating, but the bias against the average Joe NR is that they are not familiar with historical bullying and clout of the ranch. I don't think they treat R vs NR any different outside of a quid pro quo arrangement.
I am only speculating, but the bias against the average Joe NR is that they are not familiar with historical bullying and clout of the ranch. I don't think they treat R vs NR any different outside of a quid pro quo arrangement.
Bighorner, agreed and I could’ve been more specific in my comment in that it seems the bias is coming from the ranch manager ….. who also seems to have a self aggrandizing attitude derived from his view of his self importance of working for his boss and as he says, “Do they realize how much money my boss has?”

From what I gather I think in the video the deputy & WGF officer did pretty well to be objective & still do their duty, but in follow up reporting it was the local DA that decided to drop the hammer & blow this thing wide open.