We already have landowner tags.Does anyone know if they made any decisions on adding Landowner Tags into the mix ?
We already have landowner tags.Does anyone know if they made any decisions on adding Landowner Tags into the mix ?
We already have landowner tags.
The talk is to increase acreage size for qualifying and/or putting caps on the total numbers.I thought there were talks on expanding them ?
I get that side of it too. But I also get the Wyoming resident side that most other states are 90/10, so if I lived there I would want more opportunity at better tags.
This is also a good example of why it’s not a great idea to get a huge amount of time, points, and money invested into points. It can change in the blink of an eye and you’re already low odds of drawing tags get even worse.
Maybe someday, but today is not that day. Demand will stay high as ever and probably increase again this year.And its funny to think that all this bitching coming from residents who already get a guaranteed tag for Elk and Deer yearly (just to name a couple). lol
Oh boy, I just cant wait for their odds to go from 1.5 % to 1.7% with all of those additional LQ tags they are licking their chops over. Its like they think they are going to increase their odds by 15% or something LOL!
Residents in every state wont stop bitching until they have all of the LQ tags go to them and then at that point they will be bitching about something else.
And I will tell you for free its going to be HUGE resident license cost jumps when you start cutting out NR funding.
Its coming. Just wait and see. It may not all come out in the works with hunting and fishing licenses but it will come about from increase in costs from various different permits that residents will need for general activities in their home state. Park Passes, UTV Permits, etc etc.
The old "bite the hand that feeds you" scenario is about to play out right in front of their eyes.
All for a ~.2% increase in drawing a LQ tag. lol
The talk is to increase acreage size for qualifying and/or putting caps on the total numbers.
Also talk of tightening up on some loopholes folks are using to acquire them.
Why is it greedy for Wyoming residents to want a larger portion of our tags, but it’s not greedy for non residents to want our tags?
It's apples and oranges. You can't compare a limited resource in a low population state to something that's nearly unlimited like WT in Wisconsin. Simply comparing deer hunters, Wyoming has less than 50,000 deer hunters that hunt the state and Wisconsin has 600,000. In WY NR make up 30% of the deer hunters, in WI is 6%. And that's for a "lowly" deer, interest is greater for the "big 5". If NR were negatively impacting your ability to hunt WT in WI, you would complain too.You can get a WI non resident tag for $160, over the counter, the day before season.
Cut em all they are my bucks and I want them now!!! I can’t believe WI would do such thing. If they cut non residents to 10% we would have so many more deer for us rightful residents to hunt. I’m more important, I better go stomp my feet till it changes. Better yet let’s change the rules yearly so people can’t plan, but we will take their money via a point scheme anyways
Let’s point fingers, be sarcastic and sell things like this to make them more palatable.
I still like getting g Wyoming’s crumbs
Hey man, I like subscribed and pushed the notification bell. Better send me a free guided OIAL tag with my hat.Woah, woah woah. Easy bud. Youll piss off the resident public land hunting influencers/advocaTes. They will be in here with 75,000 word essays about the law and regs and how that cant happen. The ones that beat the "we need your money and votes so you have hunting opportunities but dont bother applying for tags" drum. How dare you want western big game hunting opportunities after watching their shows, donating to their causes, and buying the products they push.
The post was mostly bull crap and I understand that fully. Just making the connection about people wanting more for themselves. That and the broken point systems. I fully understand what you posted above without you needing to explain it. I’m not an idiot for the most part.It's apples and oranges. You can't compare a limited resource in a low population state to something that's nearly unlimited like WT in Wisconsin. Simply comparing deer hunters, Wyoming has less than 50,000 deer hunters that hunt the state and Wisconsin has 600,000. In WY NR make up 30% of the deer hunters, in WI is 6%. And that's for a "lowly" deer, interest is greater for the "big 5". If NR were negatively impacting your ability to hunt WT in WI, you would complain too.
Why can't I apply for a WI elk permit when there's less than 100 tags?
I get it. My complaint is more of the current climate of hunters nipping at each others heels trying to get more for themselves, this goes a lot of ways and is not only a non resident vs resident big 5 deal.This baloney about the corner crossing issue being a resident only problem falls pretty short. As a resident I'm more likely to have a place to get on without opening my wallet.
Things are becoming more and more contentious because we are all getting pushed into smaller and smaller areas as access goes away. If you want to hunt in wyoming, particularly for deer elk and antelope the corner crossing deal is pretty important. All the folks that want to "go deep" have an excellent opportunity to get in to areas closed to public access by SxS and pickups.
I get being pissed about the reduction of tags. I would be too. If you want to take your ball and go home. There is a line of people ready to take your place. There just is. If you want to withhold support for conservation because you can't get a sheep/moose tag, you probably weren't going to help out anyway.
Over the next 10 years there will be 900 more Residents, including many with less than max points and younger hunters, that will benefit directly from 90-10.The 90/10 is for the big 5 (4). Currently the system is so broken that it is no longer sustainable. There is a lot of talk about my 15 points you and you owe me my sheep! Well the reality is that demand has out pa ed supply for so long there is a huge back log of folks with 15 points trying to draw a tag while they can still hunt. Nothing at this point is a guarentee unless you are sitting on max points. Here's a little nasty secret. The majority of those max point holders are not putting in for tags, they are buying points and keeping there place in line. Where is the equity in that?
You can complain about greed, but the reality is the system is so broken that an overhaul is need. It has been a long time coming. A sheep or moose in Wyoming is not a guarentee for anyone starting out. That includes young Wyoming hunters with no points. The fact is our sheep are doing so poorly that while we fight about preference points or population continues to shrink, but no one really cares about that from what I am gathering. It's pretty much just let me get mine.
Hunt Wisconsin more, where your tags are dirt cheap. NR hunting is a luxury, always has been, always will be.I get it.
I get it. My complaint is more of the current climate of hunters nipping at each others heels trying to get more for themselves, this goes a lot of ways and is not only a non resident vs resident big 5 deal.
But when I see people wanting more, and people pushing the price of hunting up and up, at a gain for themselves cause they want more. It irks me. From all the reading Iv done from some on here it seems like he wants to make non resident hunting only for those who can afford it and screw the rest. But then to go and wrap that crap up in wrapping paper and try to give it out as a present….
That and the entitlement.
And we know buzz facts are facts!
But screw it, cut tags, raise the price to make up so the average working man can’t ever do this again.
I guess I’m the bad guy though.
You talk like such a politician that Id vote for you if you were on my “side” In which i think we are on many many issues.Hunt Wisconsin more, where your tags are dirt cheap. NR hunting is a luxury, always has been, always will be.
No different than any other luxury item, they all come with a cost.
I want better seats a Rockies game, the price goes up. I want more options on a vehicle, the price goes up. I want better quality cabinets in my house, guess what....you get the point.
I never have complained about the application fees, hunting license fees, or price of tags I've paid as a NR. Never will either and I've paid the price of the most expensive NR tag fees in several states.
If you're worried about conservation you shouldn't have a problem funding what you allegedly care so much about (wildlife, habitat, etc). Its the very least you can do.
Absolutely...couldn't agree with you more.I could give a rip if I ever get a sheep tag, I probably never will. What I care about is that they stay around.