Wyoming G&F, how de we get a voice as NR's?

Sep 11, 2017
Three Forks, MT
If your all for hunter opportunities lets turn montana into the next colorado unlimited otc for all?

Montana already has some of the best hunter opportunity of any state in the west for both resident and non resident hunters. Basically the entire state is managed for opportunity. There are only a handful of special draw units in the entire state for both deer and elk

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Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
I’m probably never going out of state elk hunting again. Maybe my kid might want to so I donate to keep game on the land scape for him. I will never have a sheep tag but I love taking pictures of them so I donate to them. Habitat is king what helps one species will help multiple.
Feb 25, 2012
North Dakota resident complaining about Wyoming?
I’m not complaining about Wyoming specifically. And it’s more just pointing out the fact non res are second class and deserve nothing, until they are needed next week.

This thread is about having a voice. Non res should not have a voice in another states affairs as has been posted multiple times. Yet I have read at least 3 threads in the last two weeks of people wanting help with sportsmen issues. Using your voice or money.

Non res deserve zero voice, until that voice helps the residents.

Selfishly hoarding 100% for ND residents?
False news.

Wyoming has behaved horribly as to the NR fraud on moose and sheep points.
Not going to bring this off track any further.
Jun 18, 2019
All I know is in the past I have purchased the NR special general tag, as I could usually get one every other year. Prices are just over that line for me now that I'm willing to go regular general (East) and if I don't get one, apply for or pick up a leftover cow/calf tag for roughly $300. Just so I can hunt elk with my buddies.


Jun 28, 2019
The mountians
One thing I have noticed since living in wyoming is it is one of the most over rated hunting states in the west.

Probably because the supplie is so limited for nr and its hard to get everyone thinks it's gold.

I got into elk just as much in Washington and usually killed a elk there every year. Same for wyoming but I expected it to be much easier but you still have to leave the road even in wyoming dang it I was sure it was going to be like shooting fish in a barrel with all the talk on here especially in the wilderness ares I was under the impression once you got into the wilderness area the elk just appeared but the only thing there is alot of is wealthy nr and outfitters they are entertaining to watch at times though


May 24, 2024
I am curious if anyone else is confused about the new regs (and costs) as they relate to the goals of the WYG&F.
As I understand it the state of Wyoming has created a 3 zone program for NR general tags (only NR) for the purposes of managing elk numbers to better align with biologists goals of individual herds. I've listened to many of the task force meetings and it doesn't seem that the final results, 3 zones, are as effective as the previously discussed 12 or so zones built around herds that consider migration and wintering areas. I would think having more general zones, like mule deer would have a better impact on true management of the herds?
One other issue that the TF looked at /discussed was that residents loudly complain about crowded hunting areas because of NR hunters and not being able to get LE tags because of NR hunters. I haven't seen any proposed solutions to this growing problem.
We as NR hunters pay 26 to 40 times more for a tag, when we win the lottery than do residents who have over the counter options and multiple tags options a year ?
It's very frustrating that all we can do it seems is watch as the state takes it out on the NR.
How long before all states have similar policies ?
Any constructive comments ?
did you hunt Wyoming this fall? And if so how was it?

The Guide

Aug 20, 2023
As a long time NR sympathizer, and WY resident, after what i have experience the last 4 days mule deer hunting, I wish you guys would just stay home .

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Montanan's feel the same way about the NR pumpkin army that block gates and drive on roads they aren't allowed on.

Sep 19, 2023
As a long time NR sympathizer, and WY resident, after what i have experience the last 4 days mule deer hunting, I wish you guys would just stay home .

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Our poor Mule deer. I'm afraid our days of OTC mule deer tags are short lived. as the population plummets the amount of nonresident vehicles seems to increases. But hey, that big beautiful Game and Fish regional office in Cody went a few million over budget and there is still out of staters who believe we have nice bucks in every other draw. Its like they say, smoke em if you got em, cause when the pack runs out the jokes on us.


Oct 10, 2021
Wyomings wilderness law used to frustrate me, and the rumors of 90-10 did also. So I moved to Wyoming and now I’m thinking 90-10 wouldn’t be so bad after all.
I live in Wyoming. I believe 90/10 just makes sense. But I don’t believe nonresidents need a guide in wilderness areas.

Unless you’re from Utah, of course. Then I believe in 99/1 and guides for everything. :)
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Apr 26, 2019
Pacific North West
I am curious if anyone else is confused about the new regs (and costs) as they relate to the goals of the WYG&F.
As I understand it the state of Wyoming has created a 3 zone program for NR general tags (only NR) for the purposes of managing elk numbers to better align with biologists goals of individual herds. I've listened to many of the task force meetings and it doesn't seem that the final results, 3 zones, are as effective as the previously discussed 12 or so zones built around herds that consider migration and wintering areas. I would think having more general zones, like mule deer would have a better impact on true management of the herds?
One other issue that the TF looked at /discussed was that residents loudly complain about crowded hunting areas because of NR hunters and not being able to get LE tags because of NR hunters. I haven't seen any proposed solutions to this growing problem.
We as NR hunters pay 26 to 40 times more for a tag, when we win the lottery than do residents who have over the counter options and multiple tags options a year ?
It's very frustrating that all we can do it seems is watch as the state takes it out on the NR.
How long before all states have similar policies ?
Any constructive comments ?
We’re lucky they allow us to hunt at all. Don’t complain and be happy with what you get.


May 4, 2017
Broken Arrow, OK
It was easy for me. I just stopped applying in Wyoming. I wasn’t that deep with only a couple of points to lose. I feel sorry for the guys with 10 or so points that can’t walk away as easily. WYG&F treats nonresidents poorly. $2000+ for an elk tag. What a joke.

I might be wrong but with fewer and fewer NR $’s I think game and fish will have to raise Resident tag prices also. When they do there will be alot of bellyaching on here for sure. I hope when it happens that they roll out the special draw for residents so that they can get a feel for it.

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Last edited:
Oct 20, 2023
Penn St U
You would pay the special draw price of $2250 instead of your resident elk tag price of $12.50. You are a generous guy.

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I said I would gladly pay NR tag fees.

Residents don't have preference points so there would be zero option for a "special draw" for many species. For sheep? Depends on how much it increased my odds. See that's something all the whiners and complainers always jump to is the "special draw" fees. Nobody makes you apply for the special draw, you know that right?

But then again if it meant I could hunt elk in area 7, 16, or 22, every year, hell ya I'd pay 2200 bucks.


Mar 2, 2014
It was easy for me. I just stopped applying in Wyoming. I wasn’t that deep with only a couple of points to lose. I feel sorry for the guys with 10 or so points that can’t walk away as easily. WYG&F treats nonresidents poorly. $2000+ for an elk tag. What a joke.

I might be wrong but with fewer and fewer NR $’s I think game and fish will have to raise Resident tag prices also. When they do there will be alot of bellyaching on here for sure. I hope when it happens that they roll out the special draw for residents so that they can get a feel for it.

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That is one way to look at it. I had a $2000+ elk tag. Hunted 12 days. Shot a cow on day 11. Some guys will see that as a $2k cow. I see it as an opportunity to hunt WY. While there, I was successful. People spend money on any number of hobbies. I spend money on hunting.

There wasn't any less NR opportunity. 800+ more Gen tags were issued than prior year. No shortage of NR money either. The special price increases netted WY about 1.5 million, from just elk. The resident license prices are safe.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
It's funny seeing guys complain about wyoming deer elk and antelope.

The amount of tags has not changed for those but it's harder to get tags because all the nr posting on the gram how great the hunting is and some how it's wyoming residents fault
7-8 years ago, I could buy deer, and antelope tags essentially otc in Wyoming… never tried for an elk, but I bet it wasn’t 5 points for a general tag… thanks a lot Obama…