
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1: 5-6 reps
*Sets 2-4: 3-4 reps
*Set 5: Max reps @ 10% less than heaviest set of 3-4 reps

These sets should be challenging. If you reach the top end of the range, increase the load until you’re unable to do so.

15 min AMRAP
15 Wall Ball Shots
10 T2B
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Back from my hunt. Averaged 12-15 miles per day with lots of elevation gain. Tough hunting this year, had 4 or 5 bulls within bow range, but never had a shot opportunity. Still had a great time in God's country, heard bulls every day, shot some grouse, and got to help pack out a 6 point for a friend. On to deer season.

Back to the gym this morning.

1 minute work/1 minute rest for 5 rounds:
-3 snatches, building from 65%

3 rounds for time:
-15 burpees
-10 power snatches 75#
-300m run
Pull Up Ladder to 9

4 sets, no rest
Bench- 45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Barbell Curl- 45/50/55/65 x 12
Push Up- x 20
Preacher Curl- 45/55/65/70 x 10

Bench- 6 sets of singles working up to near 1RM, then dropped to 205 for reps

2 sets, no rest
DB Incline Bench- 60s x 12/10
DB Curl- 25s x 10
TRX Push Up- x 10
Reverse Curl- 55 x 10

3 sets, 1min rest
Wrist Curls- 75 x 10
Reverse Wrist Curls- 15 x 10
After 3rd set, Deadhang for 60sec

Finished by Hiking 700vert with 55lbs