Unfollowing Hunting Social Media Will Make Hunting Better: Matt Rinella Essay

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Dec 5, 2021
Speaking of flat brims, the old flat brim brigade posted a video of them torturing an Elk at 600 yards, I posted "this is why I can't watch you guys" something along those lines, that was enough to get a block by them.

Luckily a bunch of Meme pages made fun of them and they took down their video of being terrible shots.

The meme pages to more good than any "influencer" has


Mar 4, 2012
Speaking of flat brims, the old flat brim brigade posted a video of them torturing an Elk at 600 yards, I posted "this is why I can't watch you guys" something along those lines, that was enough to get a block by them.

Luckily a bunch of Meme pages made fun of them and they took down their video of being terrible shots.

The meme pages to more good than any "influencer" has
Was it the hush guys? If so I’m bummed I missed it. Any crying?


Sep 9, 2013
“When the hunter is overcome with joy after the killing, and shares that emotion on Facebook, then surely this must be the joy of a diseased mind.”

I think what she fails to realize is in these instances, the act of killing is not what is being celebrated, but rather "the accomplishment" in a broader sense. It's not bloodlust, it's just putting it out there to have your ego stroked. Why do we take pictures of dead stuff? For the same reasons people wear nice clothes. Or drive nice cars or live in McMansions. It's basic human nature. Social media has such a powerful grip on people because it taps into the most basic elements of human nature, and hunting isn't at all immune from it.


Mar 24, 2016
Great podcast. Matt didn't hold back one bit and went for the jugular on meateater. There were a few moments when Matt stopped talking and the room went silent.. Also, quote for the ages from Steve:

"Yeah, but it's my f**!%king podcast!"

Should be a merry Christmas!

Steve was annoyingly passive aggressive several times on the show. It shows who has the most to lose.

Matt’s arguments are much harder to make because they seem to be counter to a “positive” movement. I agree with him though - I doubt we will see meateater go dark on social media.

One thing that was missed when Steve brought up old magazine, etc was A) the barrier to entry to receive those messages was a LOT higher than social media and b) the very slow feedback ( if any) the creator of those books or magazine articles got. If every “like” a social media post got was the result of someone sitting down at a desk and writing a postcard and mailing it, I think those “likes” would disappear like a prom dress.
Jan 5, 2019
One thing that was missed when Steve brought up old magazine, etc was A) the barrier to entry to receive those messages was a LOT higher than social media and b) the very slow feedback ( if any) the creator of those books or magazine articles got. If every “like” a social media post got was the result of someone sitting down at a desk and writing a postcard and mailing it, I think those “likes” would disappear like a prom dress.
Agreed. Meateater being a media company, they damn well know about the algorithms. Instagram knows that if they push a picture of a giant bull elk in front of certain users, they will spend more time on the app, click links, spend money etc. The algorithm itself is doing the Three R's, and it's grossly tied up in engagement and profit.


Apr 8, 2020
I thought Matt did very well. I think it was telling that numerous times the ME crew was left in silence. I’ll take that as a sign they know their argument is shit, of course they want more. They need more consumers of the stuff they’re selling, more subscribers, more equals money for them.

As far as talking over Steve have you ever listened to any other MeatEater podcast that’s all Steve does is talk over his guests apparently it runs in the family.


Feb 27, 2012
I think Matt sounded like a babbling idiot on the podcast this morning. Steve fact check him several times and made Matt backtrack. Matt was very rude by talking over Steve as well as the other Meateater crew members multiple times trying to make his point.
Win for Steve and Meateater by a mile.
I must’ve listen to a different podcast because I thought Matt made his point quite well
Mar 18, 2014
Seems to me that Matt has a bit of the Green eyed monster going on over Steve's Success.

Also, hunting has actually been far less affected than other outdoor ventures. The trailheads are insanely crowded right now, and camping spots impossible to find. There's such a huge "Get Outside" movement happening across the board. Hunting is just a tiny part of a wave of increased activity.
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