Social Media Guidelines for Hunters

I’m not particularly interested in hearing a bunch of mega church style preaching about how “the good lord blessed me with this fine, 13 point buck.”

A. You clearly ain’t starving. We can see that fat face and that fat gut behind the $800 worth of camo you’re wearing.

B. The idea that God is going to throw in some antlers like somekind of stocking stuffer for being a good little boy on the IG is rather absurd and extremely narcissistic.

If you want to use hunting to commune with religion, fine, but the moment you start connecting the dots of trophyism it moves into the same realm of absurdity as praying to God about the outcome of a football game.
guilty as charged. It ain't for everyone...but thanks for sharing.
Ok not seen the duck thing. So can i ask why they do it.
I gave up trying to figure out why people do all sorts of things long ago. It made life so much easier.

The trend for the last year or so has been to take pictures with duck holding it by its bill in your mouth.
I gave up trying to figure out why people do all sorts of things long ago. It made life so much easier.

The trend for the last year or so has been to take pictures with duck holding it by its bill in your mouth.
Hunters will start taking pics with antlers in there mouths this fall. Should make some great memes.
I gave up trying to figure out why people do all sorts of things long ago. It made life so much easier.

The trend for the last year or so has been to take pictures with duck holding it by its bill in your mouth.
Ducks In mouths is played out

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Was chatting off-line with somebody and they brought up the point of be careful who you follow. It’s so easy to click a like or follow or subscribe button, but not really know what the person is really about, might be worth digging in a little bit.

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If you are posting on social media, think about what a non hunter will take away from your post.
This is true - for me, by "non-hunter", we're talking those who are ambivalent or curious or simply don't care. Those on the fence - not the anti's. There are far more non-hunter/ambivalent types out there that can be swayed either direction than probably hardcore hunters and hardcore anti's combined. But they start to care when something pops up innocently on their feed.
Oregon's 1994 hound hunting/baiting law is a great example - the media provided against hound hunting showed the worst of the worst and those who never cared prior - all of a sudden jumped to the anti-side. It's been an uphill battle since then.
Interesting topic!
If you do figure out someone’s spot, keep it to your self.

During the off season try doing some trail maintenance or clean up on public lands to promote a more positive image of hunters, and show that on your social media.
Everyone has this or that for a preference...hunting should be about "x"...its always refreshing to me when someone mentions how multidimensional of an lifestyle it is...

It's not just for meat
It's not just for adventure
It's not just for trophies
It's not just for conservation
It's not just for the lifestyle
It's not just about family
It's not just for the connection to the land
It's not just for....

It's all inclusive...and at anyone point in our lives we may focus more on one aspect or the other..always evolving..and there's nothing wrong with that

This all inclusiveness is what makes hunting so hard to describe & share...and why we fight...and why we fail so dang often
Oregon's 1994 hound hunting/baiting law is a great example - the media provided against hound hunting showed the worst of the worst and those who never cared prior - all of a sudden jumped to the anti-side. It's been an uphill battle since then.
Interesting topic!

I remember when we lost that. The same group or their offshoots landed in Idaho the next year and it took two years to beat back the bear baiting ban. Wonder if we could still beat them now?

Those are just of the many reasons I know that how we represent ourselves matters to the undecided or the ambivalent as you say

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What is the ‘thing’ now where guys take a picture with their head down so the brim covers their face? Is it supposed to be some anonymizing trick so you don’t have to blur your face or some unspoken, secret-handshake move that signals to others that you are one of them ?

Help a brother out …
If you are posting on social media, think about what a non hunter will take away from your post.
Hunters and non hunters alike. This is a passage from a book I have. It's from the 90's and a lot has changed since then obviously, but the sentiment is generally the same. For every 10 good hunters there's at least 1 that's shoving ducks down his trousers making us all look like morons. Screenshot_20211218-193636.png