Social Media Guidelines for Hunters

I just thought of another one, always mention the meat it’s just a not cliché thing to do, I have seriously met people that think I don’t eat the meat from the big bucks I w taken.

One lady thought my friend just left the meat on the mountain. As we got talking to her we realized she didn’t know any hunters who appreciate the antlers so she just assumed those guy left the meat! She was visibly relieved when we explained it.

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Yep. Totally agree. AND focus on gratitude towards the animal. My kids and I always say a prayer over the animal b/c we are very grateful. Food for the family. Beautiful buck instead of focusing on points or size. Hunters know a nice buck or bull when we see one you don't have to tell us. Use the word harvest instead of dead/killed/drt. Words go a long way. Tasteful pics are always a plus.
Hound hunters have a special need to be careful about what they post. Sure, show pictures with the dogs next to harvested animal. Absolutely show kids leading puppies through the woods. Talk about how many thousand hours you spent in the woods with that dog before he put something in a tree for you. At no time should you ever post dogs working over an animal, even if it's dead.

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I think this is especially true when the general public easily associates a lion with their house cat and a wolf with their dog.

When I scroll IG and see the bear hug lion or wolf, I can't help but think the hunting community is painting a giant target on our own backs for the anti hunters.

*I am all for predator hunting.
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It is surprising how often I still hear "So do you eat it?" from folks who dont hunt or know hunters. It's as though we are all thought to be in some sort of antler worshipping cult... and the 90% of pics of folks holding onto or packing out headgear makes it seem this way. Consider making a post with the explicit mention or photos of butchering and/or food prep which makes it clear that we arent just killling for antlers. I no longer post grip and grins because it takes more than a sentence to describe the feelings/context that result in happiness after killing an animal. "I worked hard for this" is similarly hard to express with a non-promotional sense of reverence. The weapon on the animal, striding atop with glee easily results in non hunting friends and family feeling like " what kind of psycho killer is happy about killing?" and even though many of us have dedicated ourselves to becoming a proficient killer, social media isnt the place to have the discussion about the merits of that. Post pics of beautiful landscapes that document the journey but dont include easily identifiable peaks (14ers in CO), far off towns, roads, trailheads and even be careful of documenting rivers from high elevation, these images can be replicated in google earth with ease. It is also important to let the public know we are reliant on and obtain fullfillness from, wild intact habitats. Most importantly document that we are killing with reverence, so drop the "bang flop!, dropped em at 800 yds, dirt nap, got it done" commentary, it is immature and belies a lack of respect for the animal. Think before you post is about as accurate as it gets, and I would add that before we post, consider that hunting is not a right and is will continue to remain so only with positive public perception.
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I think this is especially true when the general public easily associates a lion with their house cat and a wolf with their dog.

When I scroll IG and see the bear hug lion or wolf, I can't help but think the hunting community is painting a giant target on our own backs for the anti hunters.
The bill introduced 2 days ago in CO that would outlaw all lion and bobcat hunting suggests you are 100% spot on.
Its a picture heavy media and a lot of people won't even read the by line, So learn to take better pictures! There are some pretty cool and innovative photographers out there who show unique perspectives and angles. 2 that I follow are on the gram are @fossman and @nicktrehearne Granted they are professionals but some of their shots should give you ideas on how to expand your thinking, even if you're shooting with a phone camera.

We as hunters, especially mountain hunters, see a lot of cool shit on a trip and a post should reflect that. Not just the "grip and grin", especially if there isn't one.
Growing up in South Dakota i have never had any one ask do you eat it. Its just known thing why wouldnt you. We still have alot of gas stations where pics are put up and even in the weekly paper if some one shoots a big deer it gets its own story. No one bats an eye to dead animals in the back of pick ups during hunting season. reading alot of this makes me appreciate the state and the people even more that its a way of life that you dont have to hide or dress up around here.
Its a picture heavy media and a lot of people won't even read the by line, So learn to take better pictures! There are some pretty cool and innovative photographers out there who show unique perspectives and angles. 2 that I follow are on the gram are @fossman and @nicktrehearne Granted they are professionals but some of their shots should give you ideas on how to expand your thinking, even if you're shooting with a phone camera.

We as hunters, especially mountain hunters, see a lot of cool shit on a trip and a post should reflect that. Not just the "grip and grin", especially if there isn't one.
just followed @Nick... (good images!) but the fossman I found was marked private and didn't look like a photographers page
Growing up in South Dakota i have never had any one ask do you eat it. Its just known thing why wouldnt you. We still have alot of gas stations where pics are put up and even in the weekly paper if some one shoots a big deer it gets its own story. No one bats an eye to dead animals in the back of pick ups during hunting season. reading alot of this makes me appreciate the state and the people even more that its a way of life that you dont have to hide or dress up around here.
you're fortunate, even old Idaho Falls is getting a little to sensitive to a buck in the back of a truck, so I tarp them.
I personally have just come under attack today by a few online predator hunters for mentioning to one of their "sponsors" that there are people out there that think its tasteless to show blown up animals, blown up faces, and animal genitalia. These guys who are targeting me think its funny to demoralize animals after they are harvested. The people involved have taken it upon themselves to run my name through the mud and show my address to the world via a onx screenshot. The funny thing is anyone with google can find where I live, and Im a really nice guy so if someone does stop by they will probably just be upset because they end up liking me.
I personally have just come under attack today by a few online predator hunters for mentioning to one of their "sponsors" that there are people out there that think its tasteless to show blown up animals, blown up faces, and animal genitalia. These guys who are targeting me think its funny to demoralize animals after they are harvested. The people involved have taken it upon themselves to run my name through the mud and show my address to the world via a onx screenshot. The funny thing is anyone with google can find where I live, and Im a really nice guy so if someone does stop by they will probably just be upset because they end up liking me.

Good for you. I can’t tell you how disgusted I am by guys reveling in blood, and disgracing a dead animal. Truly despicable.
I'd like to see more focus on the written form of the product and detailed captions. Visuals are only one component to the story, it would be cool to also link to a written story of their hunt and force them to not just think of one form of media. It would also give an opportunity to take a visually appealing photo and also make it educational by adding a written part.
I personally have just come under attack today by a few online predator hunters for mentioning to one of their "sponsors" that there are people out there that think its tasteless to show blown up animals, blown up faces, and animal genitalia. These guys who are targeting me think its funny to demoralize animals after they are harvested. The people involved have taken it upon themselves to run my name through the mud and show my address to the world via a onx screenshot. The funny thing is anyone with google can find where I live, and Im a really nice guy so if someone does stop by they will probably just be upset because they end up liking me.
so you reached out to the sponsor? And then the sponsored started attacking back?
Please, for the love of God... Never say you "laid the smack down" on an animal you shot. I can't even describe how much that makes me cringe. Like you're some big bad ass. No you used a modern weapon to kill an animal that otherwise could kick your ass.
I notice that the winning photos in all our contests--sheep, elk, whitetail, mule deer, youth--are almost always along the suggestions in this thread. It's not a coincidence that members and staff pick the same ones
Please, for the love of God... Never say you "laid the smack down" on an animal you shot. I can't even describe how much that makes me cringe. Like you're some big bad ass. No you used a modern weapon to kill an animal that otherwise could kick your ass.
or that it "was a gun fight" after you missed it 4 times then hit it.

Also, quit putting ducks in your mouth when you kill them.
I’m not particularly interested in hearing a bunch of mega church style preaching about how “the good lord blessed me with this fine, 13 point buck.”

A. You clearly ain’t starving. We can see that fat face and that fat gut behind the $800 worth of camo you’re wearing.

B. The idea that God is going to throw in some antlers like somekind of stocking stuffer for being a good little boy on the IG is rather absurd and extremely narcissistic.

If you want to use hunting to commune with religion, fine, but the moment you start connecting the dots of trophyism it moves into the same realm of absurdity as praying to God about the outcome of a football game.