Suppressor wait times

ATF. Try thinking things through before making stupid comments. Once the paperwork is submitted to the ATF it’s out of the dealers hands.
Yeah, OK. Believe what you want in your delusional little world. I guess ATF just has it out for you. Maybe they ran into a snag on the IQ check.
Look at post number 1075 in this thread. I have all 5 in hand as of Friday. And yes, I went through Silencer Central. I realize that I'm one of the lucky ones, but it's all in the ATFs hands as far as how fast you get approved.
How many times do you need to derail this thread?

Ignore list for you.
As many as it takes for people like you to recognize and acknowledge the truth. First off, there is no "certification" by ATF as you suggest in your post. "Certification" refers to when the vendor has all your information ready to SUBMIT to ATF. This is one of the steps where Silencer Central delays the process. They sit on your application and take 2-4 wks to submit it. This results in delays. So, claiming that you were "certified" by ATF is not accurate. Your clock starts counting once ATF has your paperwork and you receive the email from them stating they have received your application. Someday, maybe you'll come to your senses and realize SC isn't the holy grail you think it is.
As many as it takes for people like you to recognize and acknowledge the truth. First off, there is no "certification" by ATF as you suggest in your post. "Certification" refers to when the vendor has all your information ready to SUBMIT to ATF. This is one of the steps where Silencer Central delays the process. They sit on your application and take 2-4 wks to submit it. This results in delays. So, claiming that you were "certified" by ATF is not accurate. Your clock starts counting once ATF has your paperwork and you receive the email from them stating they have received your application. Someday, maybe you'll come to your senses and realize SC isn't the holy grail you think it is.
Yes, the time I’m going by started when my application was submitted to the ATF. So again, you are being belligerent for absolutely no reason. My paperwork was submitted September 21, that’s when I started counting. Maybe next time try asking questions rather than making assumptions and being arrogant.

Furthermore I don’t believe SC is the “holy grail” and I won’t use them in the future but the issue I was speaking about has nothing to do with them as my paperwork was submitted to the atf on the day I started counting.

I’m sure you aren’t a happy or pleasant person on real life but try to have a nice day.
My neighbor bought two in January and just got them both.

He told me they were approved and I argued there was no way but sure enough he went and picked then up.

I have two on hold from Oct I haven't received yet and in all the others I have bought never seen one as fast as his
That’s awesome. Did he go thru a dealer or one of the online companies like silencer central?
Used silencer central back in August took 10 months, local gun shop i received my approval for 1 in 6 months and the other one i am still waiting.
Pending 10/13
Approved 6/08
Wait time: 238 days
E-Form 4 Trust
Local Dealer

That E-file was the longest 90 days of my life

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Question for the more experienced folks in this thread: I logged into the ATF eForm website to see what the status of my Form 4 is and on the right hand side after logging in, my Form is only in the "Draft" section. It was created on 16 Jan 23. Does this mean that I need to reach out to the Gun Shop that I bought the suppressor through? Or is this normal and just means the ATF has not looked at my paperwork yet. I know that this is a rookie question, but this is my first time buying an ATF controlled item.
Question for the more experienced folks in this thread: I logged into the ATF eForm website to see what the status of my Form 4 is and on the right hand side after logging in, my Form is only in the "Draft" section. It was created on 16 Jan 23. Does this mean that I need to reach out to the Gun Shop that I bought the suppressor through? Or is this normal and just means the ATF has not looked at my paperwork yet. I know that this is a rookie question, but this is my first time buying an ATF controlled item.
Do you have a confirmation email saying it was submitted? Should have the control no. If you have that it’s submitted. The e forms site has not shown any of my applications or approvals.