Suppressor wait times

I was hoping my other two would get approved since I had one approved two weeks ago (submitted 7/29/22). I am tempted to buy a couple of more in hopes when the other two (submitted 9/17 and 9/22) gets approved they might batch.

Who knows.
I’m within days of the 9 month average the ATF is communicating. I’m getting anxious and am concerned with a couple things since it’s my first time with the process. I called into the hotline but was just told it’s in the system,you aren’t at the 9 month average yet, and nobody has looked at your form. Would someone mind helping me out with these questions?

I got the “form submitted” email from the ATF on August 30th 2022. When I open the attached populated form, the serial number box is grayed out with no visible s/n. Is that normal? The lady asked for the S/N first and I couldn’t see it on the form.

When I go to my ATF account there is no information in the “My Forms” section. I would have thought it would be visible in my account. It appears to have stages listed for the forms to be in but there is nothing there in either of the links.

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From my understanding, you shouldn't expect to see it there. Only the dealer you bought it from will show the form listed on the atf site, and you can view the submission status there. For example, if you bought it through Silencer Shop you can log in to their website and see that it has been submitted.
Seems like there’s just no organization there. I have o e submitted 9/21, and one on 10/11 of 2022. You got batch approved and your oldest one filed 2 months after mine. I’m happy for you but this stuff makes me hate the ATF that much more. Not that it matters to them.
I totally agree! I'm shocked and thrilled that mine went so well, but everything about this stuff seems to be absolutely random.
I bought a Silencerco 36M in December of 2021 when they had a BOGO promotion and got a .45 Octane as the freebie. They ran out of the freebies then had to wait until July of 2022 for it to be produced and shipped. ATF cashed my check in late August and I received the stamp yesterday.
282 days for my last trust filed through SilencerShop.

About to buy a rimfire can - but want to find a new LGS to run my form through so might take a minute to order.
Are wait times trending down at all? Seems like they were in the mid 200 days for awhile a month or so ago?
For some people. I’m sitting at 255 days and every forum I check there’s all sorts of folks getting approved who were certified after I was. Who knows, I could get the email any day but it seems strange when guys who got certified a month after I did are getting their cans and I’m not. I’m also sure I’m not the only one this is happening to.
My neighbor bought two in January and just got them both.

He told me they were approved and I argued there was no way but sure enough he went and picked then up.

I have two on hold from Oct I haven't received yet and in all the others I have bought never seen one as fast as his
For some people. I’m sitting at 255 days and every forum I check there’s all sorts of folks getting approved who were certified after I was. Who knows, I could get the email any day but it seems strange when guys who got certified a month after I did are getting their cans and I’m not. I’m also sure I’m not the only one this is happening to.
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