Acquisition circumstances are irrelevant in mind, this has nothing to do with monetary exchanges or how much money I have or you have or who ever has
It’s either private or public. It’s that Simple. Again there are many “no posted requirement” states, I don’t find it any more burdensome to have to do you due diligence a head of time.
I can’t fathom even thinking I have accress right to private property just because it’s not posted. I hunt Idaho and in no way would I hunt an area checkered with private, same as hunting private fence lines in my mind, it’s recipe for bad things to happen.
Nope this I did agree with...
Its only a recipe for bad when the land isn't clearly marked, whether that's with no signs, incorrect fence locations, incorrect maps or poor gps accuracy.
I pay for that public and will use it.
You do what you want and stay out if you're not comfortable navigating
Thru it.
Every pod cast randy did went like this...
"There is that fence, that's private were can't go in there "
"This road gives us access, but only till up here in this bench"
Every where I hunt is like this
It is a constant struggle ensuring I stay legal
But I also am very successful at hunting because I utilize all the land I legally can
I'll be heading into Idaho and hope it is clear and precise
The only recipe for a disaster is leaving too many grey areas in written laws that benefit one group of people while hindering the rest
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