Wyoming Anti-trapping Bill

Where the love for Russia comes from is beyond me - Putin would cut our throats if he could - look at him for blame for what’s going on in Ukraine.
Where did I profess my love for Putin/Russia? You can not like Putin and not like US tax dollars being wasted in Ukraine...your binary thinking reveals a lot...
I now understand why you want more legislation/governance.
Good day to you sir!
The other fact here is that per the Forest service, your dog must remain on a leash no longer than 6' at these sites, so why should it be illegal to trap anywhere around these sites to protect pets, that can't even be off a leash? Additional the game and fish had even addressed the fact that good chasing wintering wildlife is the biggest problem they encounter, next to road kill. Dogs, off leash, will chase everything from a mouse to a moose.
Set the legality of trapping aside for a second and consider the reality of trapping and dogs... You cannot convince a dog owner that potential dealth by trap is a reasonable penalty for their dog being off leash. Fines, sure, but not death, because dogs are family members.

Therefore, with so many dog owners out there, trappers need to consider the PR repercussions of placing kill traps near trailheads, even if legal. A few dogs trapped and killed with raise enough negative PR to get even non-dog owners to rally against trapping.

The general public will largely favor a cute dog over a trapper. Trapping near trailheads may be a right, but it puts you in the wrong as soon as a dog is injured or killed, and this is the fastest route to outright banning of trapping. With increased outdoor recreation and the growing influence of social media, it seems that trappers should put in extra effort to not create negative PR, and this might just require giving an inch to retain a mile, so to speak.
Set the legality of trapping aside for a second and consider the reality of trapping and dogs... You cannot convince a dog owner that potential dealth by trap is a reasonable penalty for their dog being off leash. Fines, sure, but not death, because dogs are family members.

Therefore, with so many dog owners out there, trappers need to consider the PR repercussions of placing kill traps near trailheads, even if legal. A few dogs trapped and killed with raise enough negative PR to get even non-dog owners to rally against trapping.

The general public will largely favor a cute dog over a trapper. Trapping near trailheads may be a right, but it puts you in the wrong as soon as a dog is injured or killed, and this is the fastest route to outright banning of trapping. With increased outdoor recreation and the growing influence of social media, it seems that trappers should put in extra effort to not create negative PR, and this might just require giving an inch to retain a mile, so to speak.

Banking trapping at trailheads, along trails, and along any road way is not giving an inch. It is giving a mile. Want it illegal to place traps on your own property within so many feet of the road? Want it illegal to place a trap at a trailhead, and the road is closed 12 miles before it?
The anti groups have pointedly said, their goal is to make it illegal to trap, and this is the first step. How about trapper safety with an emphasis on ethics, not a law banning it?

What trap do you think you can legally set that would kill a dog?
What would anyone say if the bill was to ban all hunting within 300' of a trailhead, trail, or any road way?
Banking trapping at trailheads, along trails, and along any road way is not giving an inch. It is giving a mile. Want it illegal to place traps on your own property within so many feet of the road? Want it illegal to place a trap at a trailhead, and the road is closed 12 miles before it?
The anti groups have pointedly said, their goal is to make it illegal to trap, and this is the first step. How about trapper safety with an emphasis on ethics, not a law banning it?

What trap do you think you can legally set that would kill a dog?
Where did I say anything about banning trapping?

I simply am pointing out that one of the fastest ways to fuel the anti-trapping movement is to place traps near trailheads. Those who exercise their right to trap near trailheads are doing a great disservice to trappers that are more prudent. Do you disagree?

I'll admit ignorance of kill trap types other than conibear traps, but there are plenty that have killed dogs near trailheads, and the media coverage doesn't look good for trappers: dog killed by trap trailhead - Google Search. I'd be surprised if ANY article on a dog kill has a positive spin for trapping.
Where did I say anything about banning trapping?

I simply am pointing out that one of the fastest ways to fuel the anti-trapping movement is to place traps near trailheads. Those who exercise their right to trap near trailheads are doing a great disservice to trappers that are more prudent. Do you disagree?

I'll admit ignorance of kill trap types other than conibear traps, but there are plenty that have killed dogs near trailheads, and the media coverage doesn't look good for trappers: dog killed by trap trailhead - Google Search. I'd be surprised if ANY article on a dog kill has a positive spin for trapping.

Reread what I wrote, never said you did, I told you what the agenda is from the antis.

We had one instance of a dog being killed by a trap in resent years in Wyoming, the trap was placed illegally. The reality is a quick Google search doesn't prove legalities of what happened. Same as saying a hunter poached a deer, they're not a hunter, there a poacher.

Trapper safety with an emphasis on ethics, harder penalties for breaking the laws on the books, and dog owner obeying the law keeping dogs in the leash and within arms length control on the tail (the law on the books) keeps all those Google search stories from being stories.

I would strongly encourage you to find out what traps are actually legal, and how you can place them before you make the assumption that dogs will be killed in them.
Reread what I wrote, never said you did, I told you what the agenda is from the antis
I would strongly encourage you to find out what traps are actually legal, and how you can place them before you make the assumption that dogs will be killed in them.
Your first sentence mentions banning trapping then references my give an inch statement, so I read it as implying I mentioned banning.

It doesn't matter what type traps are legal or illegal if they are set next to trailheads and kill dogs- either scenario is poor judgement by a trapper. Not sure what point you are making as I definitively know (not assuming) that dogs have been killed by traps at trailheads. The google search results are provide results of actual deaths.

Not sure what I'm saying that you find reason to argue with, I think we're both in agreement that smart trap placement means fewer trapped dogs, and there's room for improvement with trapping around trailheads.
Your first sentence mentions banning trapping then references my give an inch statement, so I read it as implying I mentioned banning.

It doesn't matter what type traps are legal or illegal if they are set next to trailheads and kill dogs- either scenario is poor judgement by a trapper. Not sure what point you are making as I definitively know (not assuming) that dogs have been killed by traps at trailheads. The google search results are provide results of actual deaths.

Not sure what I'm saying that you find reason to argue with, I think we're both in agreement that smart trap placement means fewer trapped dogs, and there's room for improvement with trapping around trailheads.

So let's not talk about 1 of the things in this bill, let's talk about all 3 the way it's written.

Would you be okay with banning all trapping near trailheads, along any trail, or near any roadway?
While I don't like new laws, I think setting traps near a trailhead is really dumb. Theres's millions of acres of land to set traps in that kids, dogs, etc aren't running around in, but you want to set 50 feet from an SUV full of kids? And if I catch I don't want my bobcat hopping around on the end of a chain right by a trailhead either, sounds like a stolen trap and catch.

Honestly I'm more offended by the notion that in WY you can't let your dog run in the woods. I go out scouting with my dog all the time and it's never crossed my mind that I should put a 6 foot leash on him. Thats crazy to me.
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Nice to see voices being heard here, but we really need our legislators to hear our voices. Please contact the folks that represent you in Wyoming and let them know what is going on. I posted the web-site for Howl which is a non-profit started by a great guy in California to get out voices heard and to make an impact on defending our hunting, fishing, and trapping rights. I would suggest the go_deep contact Howl and let them know what's going on. It certainly cannot hurt in doing so and would help spread the word.
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While I don't like new laws, I think setting traps near a trailhead is really dumb. Theres's millions of acres of land to set traps in that kids, dogs, etc aren't running around in, but you want to set 50 feet from an SUV full of kids? And if I catch I don't want my bobcat hopping around on the end of a chain right by a trailhead either, sounds like a stolen trap and catch.

Honestly I'm more offended by the notion that in WY you can't let your dog run in the woods. I go out scouting with my dog all the time and it's never crossed my mind that I should put a 6 foot leash on him. Thats crazy to me.

You know who the number one wildlife harasser is in Wyoming? Dogs
The Game and Fish and spoken out adamantly about this. That's why, because the extreme majority of people can't control their dog, can't call their dog back once it starts chasing an animal.

This isn't about just trailheads, it's all trails and roads.
You know who the number one wildlife harasser is in Wyoming? Dogs
The Have and Fish and spoken out adamantly about this. That's why, because the extreme majority of people can't control their dog, can't call their dog back once it starts chasing an animal.

This isn't about just trailheads, it's all trails and roads.
I fail to see how my dog chasing a bunny is a problem. Harassing wildlife, this sounds like a Sierra Club talking point. So the wilderness is some idyllic Bambi setting till a big mean black lab chases a squirrel?

I don’t know maybe I’m missing something.
I fail to see how my dog chasing a bunny is a problem. Harassing wildlife, this sounds like a Sierra Club talking point. So the wilderness is some idyllic Bambi setting till a big mean black lab chases a squirrel?

I don’t know maybe I’m missing something.
But wanting to let my dog run free with no ramifications sounds like I good idea?

There's 42 protected small mammals alone in Wyoming, there's hundreds of non game species on the landscape that the game and fish protects, does any dog know which one it can and can not kill legally?

I ask you, if your black lab chased a squirrel and killed it, would you turn yourself in and except the fine? Because like it or not, unless it's hunting season and your targeting that animal with your dog, that's illegal.
I'll admit I could have done a little better job, but thought maybe to much information isn't good.

This bill is to eliminate trapping within 300' of any lettered or numbered public road, within 300' of any trail that's on a map, and any trailhead, even if the road is closed for miles and miles that leads to it.
Almost all furbearer seasons don't open till at least mid November if not December and closes March 1st. Nobody is taking their family for a hike and a picnic then, especially since the majority of all the roads that lead to trailheads and the trails aren't maintained.
300' from any lettered or numbered road is every single forest service road and most BLM roads, and if your a private land owner that kicks you off your own land, so this would eliminate hundreds of thousands of acres of land.

If they rewrite the bill and it's only trailhead, well talk, but it's not, it's going to eliminate hundreds of thousands of acres from trappers, and all hunters will suffer on the long run.
…does any dog know which one it can and can not kill legally?

I ask you, if your black lab chased a squirrel and killed it, would you turn yourself in and except the fine? Because like it or not, unless it's hunting season and your targeting that animal with your dog, that's illegal.
Neither does any other predator. Maybe fish and game should go chasing the coyotes around trying to give them tickets.

To be consistent, I’m guessing you turn in every non target you catch in your snares and footholds and never throw anything over the bank? It seems like on one hand you don’t want any new regulations on your favored activities, but you sure like the regulation already put in place by Big Brother on people who want to use public land in a different way. Seems kind of hypocritical to me.

I guess we will just disagree.
Neither does any other predator. Maybe fish and game should go chasing the coyotes around trying to give them tickets.

To be consistent, I’m guessing you turn in every non target you catch in your snares and footholds and never throw anything over the bank? It seems like on one hand you don’t want any new regulations on your favored activities, but you sure like the regulation already put in place by Big Brother on people who want to use public land in a different way. Seems kind of hypocritical to me.

I guess we will just disagree.

Actually, I turn in every animal that's non target, because that's the law. Trapped a spotted skunk last year, spent 2 days working with game and fish on where, when, and providing them tissue samples, 5 different people later they had everything that wanted and needed.

Buddy, you just took a massive leap in your assumptions.
Yeah, you’re missing the fact that dogs chase a lot of deer and other big game animals

Actually, I turn in every animal that's non target, because that's the law. Trapped a spotted skunk last year, spent 2 days working with game and fish on where, when, and providing them tissue samples, 5 different people later they had everything that wanted and needed.

Buddy, you just took a massive leap in your assumptions.
Good for you, my assumption was incorrect. I still think that if our forefathers knew our modern day King George would tell us we aren’t allowed to go for a walk in the wilderness with our dog, they would be rolling over in their graves. Honestly that’s the most California thing I’ve ever heard.

I saw where you clarified what this law would do, and I agree it seems overly broad. I’m against new regulation of almost any kind, so I agree with you there.

I maintain we shouldn’t be setting traps where there’s a high chance of conflict with people or pets. Once I caught someone’s lab about 2 miles back away from any private property. I didn’t feel too bad about that one tho, that one was on the owners.
Good for you, my assumption was incorrect. I still think that if our forefathers knew our modern day King George would tell us we aren’t allowed to go for a walk in the wilderness with our dog, they would be rolling over in their graves. Honestly that’s the most California thing I’ve ever heard.

I saw where you clarified what this law would do, and I agree it seems overly broad. I’m against new regulation of almost any kind, so I agree with you there.

I maintain we shouldn’t be setting traps where there’s a high chance of conflict with people or pets. Once I caught someone’s lab about 2 miles back away from any private property. I didn’t feel too bad about that one tho, that one was on the owners.

I've put it in writing to the game and fish and to my legislatures. Mandatory trappers safety, emphasis on ethics is the answer.

Would I place a trap at a trailhead when the weather is good and people are there, or even along a hiking trail when it's busy, no. But when I have to snowmobile 9 miles after the snow sets in to that trailhead on a closed road, why shouldn't I be able to set a trap there?