New house bill for Idaho

It really wasn't that big of an issue; its just deep pockets protecting there interests. Got to love an Idaho politician pushing legislation to benefit non Idahoans (wilks bros). Also no surprise to see farm bureau pushing it as well, as they truly are no friend to hunters or wildlife.

To say all tribal/reservation land is also quite inaccurate, very few reservations function the same

Really name one reservation anyone can hunt or trespass on? Not an easement but actually trespass Hunt on. White Apache, Southern UTE, Pawnee, Acoma, Najavo nation, I can keep going? If there is it’s minute percentage not the norm

Wilks brothers is a dead issue, they bought private land, you had the same ability. No different then a house.

The farm bureau is anti wildlife, now your reaching. One of the biggest supporters of the CRP and WRP programs.
This sounds great for the average law abiding citizen but most caught on the ranch where I work don't give a flying flip about property boundaries or game laws.
Even after tripling the amount of required signage required, catching trespassers/poachers on camera standing right next to the signs,they still argue they had no idea they were wrong,having no signage on your property is just asking to have every idiot in the area hunt your property.
They need to make fine amounts that really hurt,right now it's a joke.

Agree 100%.
Wilkes Brothers bought private land knowing the laws in place about marking every 660', instead of following the law that has been in place for OVER 30 YEARS, they are using their deep pockets and the fact that they have bought and paid for a ton of politicians, to get that law changed to their benefit...despite the fact it's not in any way helpful to the common man or land user.

It has always been illegal to Trespass, yet people still do it, do you really think that is somehow going to change by having it still be illegal yet taking away the land owners responsibility to mark their land? How does that make sense at all? Make it more illegal, yet harder to distinguish what is legal and what isn't....doesn't make sense at all to me....

I really hope those of you who don't want this big load of Texas horseshit shoved down our throats are contacting your elected officials. Please don't sit idly by and let this pass without a fight.
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Wilkes Brothers bought private land knowing the laws in place about marking every 660', instead of following the law that has been in place for OVER 30 YEARS, they are using their deep pockets and the fact that they have bought and paid for a ton of politicians, to get that law changed to their benefit...despite the fact it's not in any way helpful to the common man or land user.

It has always been illegal to Trespass, yet people still do it, do you really think that is somehow going to change by having it still be illegal yet taking away the land owners responsibility to mark their land? How does that make sense at all? Make it more illegal, yet harder to distinguish what is legal and what isn't....doesn't make sense at all to me....

How would it not be helpful to landowners? This thread wouldn’t even be posted if it wasn’t for the fear of the fines this law will create to those that trespass knowing or not.

Ryan even said if it passes he will not hunt certain areas, seems to me the law creates a very good deterrent to people trespassing on private landowners property. Maybe they should create similar penalties for poachers.
How would it not be helpful to landowners? This thread wouldn’t even be posted if it wasn’t for the fear of the fines this law will create to those that trespass knowing or not.

Ryan even said if it passes he will not hunt certain areas, seems to me the law creates a very good deterrent to people trespassing on private landowners property. Maybe they should create similar penalties for poachers.

Idaho tried to up poaching penalties a couple years ago, the bill died because a legislator was facing charges for illegally killing an elk and legislators coming out against it because their constituents wouldn't be able to afford to poach if it passed.
Really name one reservation anyone can hunt or trespass on? Not an easement but actually trespass Hunt on. White Apache, Southern UTE, Pawnee, Acoma, Najavo nation, I can keep going? If there is it’s minute percentage not the norm

Wilks brothers is a dead issue, they bought private land, you had the same ability. No different then a house.

The farm bureau is anti wildlife, now your reaching. One of the biggest supporters of the CRP and WRP programs.

When they are pushing the legislation the wilks brothers are not a dead issue. i fully get that private is private and the willing buyer/seller relationship. Yep, lots of people lost out when they bought the land here, sucks but not much to do about it now.

I've spent a ton of time hunting inside the borders of the Nez Perce and CDA reservations here in Idaho. The reservations function very differently than many you cited in the SW, with loads of private and public land inside the reservation boundaries, like I said not all reservations are created equally.

I'd say CRP and other type programs are more about putting money in a pocket than wildlife for most farmers I know. The unit here I elk hunt the most could support probably 2-3 times the number of elk it does but due to almost constant complaints about elk numbers the IDFG hunts the elk extremely hard to benefit farms.

Here is a fun website; enjoy seeing how much you pay people for crops and ranching. EWG Farm Subsidy Database || Farm Subsidy Search Results
When they are pushing the legislation the wilks brothers are not a dead issue. i fully get that private is private and the willing buyer/seller relationship. Yep, lots of people lost out when they bought the land here, sucks but not much to do about it now.

I've spent a ton of time hunting inside the borders of the Nez Perce and CDA reservations here in Idaho. The reservations function very differently than many you cited in the SW, with loads of private and public land inside the reservation boundaries, like I said not all reservations are created equally.

I'd say CRP and other type programs are more about putting money in a pocket than wildlife for most farmers I know. The unit here I elk hunt the most could support probably 2-3 times the number of elk it does but due to almost constant complaints about elk numbers the IDFG hunts the elk extremely hard to benefit farms.

Here is a fun website; enjoy seeing how much you pay people for crops and ranching. EWG Farm Subsidy Database || Farm Subsidy Search Results

Posting a link to farm subsidies that out line mainly crop insurance , doesn’t have much to do with how CRP point programs is based off native flora, and how it’s capped dollar amount. Agruing against the CRP and WRP’s benefits to wildlife is pretty dumb, agruing a capped program and loss of farming income for a few dollars an acre as a get rich scheme is even dumber. CRP increases wildlife caring capacity not reduce it.

It obvious this isn’t about right and wrong, it about a monetary level and people making different choices in life and acquiring land. Corn has 1/2 the purchasing power it did in 1960. If you don’t want subsidies in place like crop insurance then please right to your Congress man.
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Ryan even said if it passes he will not hunt certain areas, seems to me the law creates a very good deterrent to people trespassing on private landowners property. Maybe they should create similar penalties for poachers.

So you're saying Ryan wont trespass on his hunts any more
Just had to put that out there as it appears to be what your reply states
Trespassers will always trespass
Honest folks wont, unless they do so unintentionally due to miss information via gps or maps, or for health and emergency issues.

Are you fine with the penalty for both situations?
Wilks brothers may be a dead issue in Texas, not in the mountain west by a long shot

They where never an issue here, Texans don’t have issues with private property rights.

Nobody in Texas would cry about them they canceling thier road maintenance contracts and shutting thier gates. It’s thier Land, they have the right to resrltrict or deny access

Don’t say mountain west because I like to see what other states it’s just cool to trespass and drive or hike through someone’s yard. I know for sure doesn’t work that way in CO and NM
Trespassers will always trespass
Honest folks wont, unless they do so unintentionally due to miss information via gps or maps, or for health and emergency issues.

Are you fine with the penalty for both situations?

That’s why there is a court of law to decide the severity.
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Wilkes Brothers bought private land knowing the laws in place about marking every 660', instead of following the law that has been in place for OVER 30 YEARS, they are using their deep pockets and the fact that they have bought and paid for a ton of politicians, to get that law changed to their benefit...despite the fact it's not in any way helpful to the common man or land user.

It has always been illegal to Trespass, yet people still do it, do you really think that is somehow going to change by having it still be illegal yet taking away the land owners responsibility to mark their land? How does that make sense at all? Make it more illegal, yet harder to distinguish what is legal and what isn't....doesn't make sense at all to me....

I really hope those of you who don't want this big load of Texas horseshit shoved down our throats are contacting your elected officials. Please don't sit idly by and let this pass without a fight.

What you mean is if trespassers rip down the signs, those said tresspassor have a get out of jail free card if they are cited for trespassing. Lots of states have strict trespassing laws, not just Texas
Feedback I received from Idaho BHA...

Thanks for reaching out. Below is what the Idaho chapter leadership is doing regarding HB 536, the trespass bill. Please note that because this is mostly a private land issue, other conservation groups such as Idaho Wildlife Federation are likely to be the most involved in this. Additionally, IWF has full-time paid staff and at this time Idaho BHA is purely a volunteer based group. That said, BHA wants to do our part to give sportsmen the opportunity to voice their opinions on important issues affecting sportsmen.
BHA Idaho will try to post the legislative schedule for HB 536 as soon as we learn of new hearings/meetings/etc and we will encourage hunters & anglers to attend.
BHA Idaho leadership is drafting key talking points for sportsmen to utilize when talking to law makers. We plan to email the Idaho membership with this info and post info on our social media channels.
BHA will continue to engage with the Idaho Sportsmen's Alliance (ISA) on this issue. ISA is a legislative group representing over 20 sportsmen's organizations. Idaho BHA sits on the board of directors for BHA and attends monthly meetings. ISA has a part-time paid staff that attends legislative meetings and reports to the various organizations.
BHA Idaho will continue to ask legislators to put this bill on hold and give hunters & anglers the opportunity to work collaboratively with landowners, IDFG, law enforcement and law makers to craft a cleaner bill that is more representative of Idaho's population which includes 400,000 + hunters and anglers.
One important thing to keep in mind is that the Idaho legislature is famous for not posting their schedule until the very last minute so that the public has less time to mobilize. And they often change the schedule on the day of hearings to further make it difficult for the public to voice their concerns.

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They where never an issue here, Texans don’t have issues with private property rights.

Nobody in Texas would cry about them they canceling thier road maintenance contracts and shutting thier gates. It’s thier Land, they have the right to resrltrict or deny access

Don’t say mountain west because I like to see what other states it’s just cool to trespass and drive or hike through someone’s yard. I know for sure doesn’t work that way in CO and NM

are you from Texas or Colorado? my money is on Texas

+/- 125 Feet from what I understand.

Accuracy can change due to cloud cover, trees or brush overhead among other factors.

Here's how smart the sponsor of this bill, Judy Boyle, is. She said "Someone should assume if they come to a fence that the land behind it is private." What about the thousands of miles of fences in Idaho put up on Public Land for grazing? Are all of those going to be removed if this bill passes? Only seems fair to me....
Ok 5Miles, so what if your GPS is off by 100' and you're actually smack in the middle of one of those mining claims?

Don't get within 100 feet of them. Give a wide berth, if you're that concerned about it. Everyone has to make their own decisions based on whatever information they have available to them. If you think your GPS is off that much, that's part of that information. Mine always tells me what accuracy level it's triangulating at, and many times it's under 10 feet. I doubt I'd have a problem working through it with the land owner if it was completely wrong, but if he pressed the issue and a citation was issued.......that's just more info added to the data bank for decision making next time.
Wilkes Brothers bought private land knowing the laws in place about marking every 660', instead of following the law that has been in place for OVER 30 YEARS

If the land was already private before they bought it, why wasn't it already marked beforehand? That's the law isn't it? If it's the law, how did the sale go through without being compliant already?