Is there hope for Meateater?


Mar 3, 2012
So, do you agree with the definition of white supremacy as offered by the National Archives? Is America founded on and does it continue to forward laws with the goal of maintaining white supremacy? Is this just a different point of view we should accept to “just get along,” if you read through the document i linked earlier you will see CRT all over it.

this is Marxism, period. You might not like it, understand it, or care about it, but that’s what it is.
Here’s the definition just published by the archives. Oh, and when you read the rest of the document, best also remember the soliloquy Winston Smith gave about the never-ending present in which the Party is always right.

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I sure as hell don’t. I believe that is the far left doing the exact same thing you guys are doing. But apparently if you talk about any history other than white history you are being too woke and there is no hope for you.
Give me a f***** break.
Apr 5, 2015
In the US there are 11-12 million self-identified hunters that are +90% Caucasian and +70% male. We are losing a big, active cohort real-time as the baby boomers age out. Holding the belief that more hunters is a good thing for hunting (political influence, licensing dollasrs, etc.) I am all for messages and media content that expand people’s perceptions of hunting history and maybe draw others to the sport. Don’t care if the are men or women, white, black, brown, yellow or green. More people participating in and supporting hunting is good for all of us.
May 10, 2015
Note in the second paragraph it admits CRT was based in Marxism. Anyone who argues against that fact is an ignorant tool.

Which is why it's nonsensical as all things Marxist are.

Being ethnically callous isn't racist. It's just being a damn fool and anyone thinking the concept of "CRT" is really a thing can't function in the real world.

Fwiw, CRT means Cathode-Ray Tube. I really don't need to read anything to either be convinced or gain an understanding of what some think critical race theory is.

It's a complete waste of everyone's time...


Apr 8, 2020
In the US there are 11-12 million self-identified hunters that are +90% Caucasian and +70% male. We are losing a big, active cohort real-time as the baby boomers age out. Holding the belief that more hunters is a good thing for hunting (political influence, licensing dollasrs, etc.) I am all for messages and media content that expand people’s perceptions of hunting history and maybe draw others to the sport. Don’t care if the are men or women, white, black, brown, yellow or green. More people participating in and supporting hunting is good for all of us.
Sure thing, let’s ignore what the application season has been telling us the last couple years. Here’s a hot take the boomers aging out is going to have a little to no effect.As I stated in another thread. I’ll be worried about Hunter numbers when we’re not seeing a 50,000 to 70,000 increase in applications in Colorado year after year.


Feb 28, 2021
I don’t know what happened to Meateater but clearly it took a turn for the political. I would have to assume there is major pressure from the media group.

These ultra liberal media companies seem to think the only way to make money is go co completely “Woke”. Even in the face of media Juggernaut’s like Rogan and Adam Carolla.

After the last podcast there’s no denying it anymore. It had absolutely nothing to do with hunting. Was simply pushing the racism agenda.


On the other hand they did replace Ben O’Brien who I’m not 100% isn’t a vegan anti hunter in disguise. I’m all for open dialogue but Ben seemed to agree with and side with the vegans and anti-hunters.

With Clay Newcomb is an incredible asset to their team. He’s a true hunter that has a great understand of the history and traditions that make this life style important. He reminds me of pre-corporate Rinella.

Maybe just maybe they have finally seen the writing on the wall and are going to take a turn towards what made them successful originally. Clay could be a screaming wokester, im not sure but his conservation views are spot on. That’s all that matters to me.

I’m hopeful.
If that is what you got from listening to that last episode (Hunting In Chains), then I believe that says more about you than it does Meateater.
The episode was about historic hunting in the southern United States; if it makes you uncomfortable that race was part of the topic, then I think you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself some questions about what it is you are really mad at here.


Jul 27, 2015
New Mexico
It’s a podcast for noobs and non hunters now. 90% of it is just rambling small talk about everything except hunting and fishing. The other 10% is stuff like “we need to explain what a draw tag is” or “this is how the North American model of conservation works” over and over and over again.

The last guest couldn’t even come up with the word flush when talking about quail hunting. Let’s get some actual hunters on and talk about the cool stuff people are doing.


Mar 29, 2017
I believe the reasons for the interruptions is that Rinella is a super intelligent guy... and very inquisitive. He just can't help it. 1) He wants clarification and wants to make sure the audience understands the subject matter at hand, 2) He wants to make sure he understands and fully interprets the matter of discussion.
I find his conversations stimulating and informative and feel he is one of the most objective and intelligent men I have encountered.
That being said, I am weary of all the racist talk and agenda nowadays and feel it is totally overblown... except for the obvious fact that isn't spoken: There is much racism against the white community and it appears that many in some other races are suffering from mislead perceptions and inferiority complexes.
I do wish he would avoid the social bandwagon and am disappointed that he too fell for the bait.
After 35 years of serving this country and working with literally thousands of people from all races and all walks of life, I have witnessed very little prejudice against the black community and zero against the Asian community. Actually, I have witnessed more racism against whites more so than any other race.
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Jun 29, 2017
Even if you don’t agree with what they are doing or even hate them to your core , they are representing you (us) . Just like the bad actors in the hunting world. Hunting has a real PR problem.
Is hunting the problem, or is it the rest of the world changing radically? Why should we be the ones to change. I guess we can have guys like Rinella just roll over and placate the insane masses.
May 16, 2020
Is hunting the problem, or is it the rest of the world changing radically? Why should we be the ones to change. I guess we can have guys like Rinella just roll over and placate the insane masses.
What are you being asked to change again?


Jan 12, 2018
SE Alabama
There are two types of people representing hunting to the masses:

1 - A few that advocate for public land access, inclusivity, and provide historical analysis that supports hunting and fishing for all that is easy to digest by all while being heavily brand driven to support their lifestyle and business.

2 - Flat brim, private land, deep pocket guys who are incredibly brand driven to support their lifestyle and business. The ones who like to skirt the law and hunting ethics for the 'gram.

Pick one. The other alternative is no representation and continued dwindling of our chosen lifestyle's popularity among the masses that vote for the idiots that make the laws.

I know it's hard to understand for some, but there is no hero coming who will do it for free. Commercial aspects of it are absolutely a given.


Mar 24, 2016
If that is what you got from listening to that last episode (Hunting In Chains), then I believe that says more about you than it does Meateater.
The episode was about historic hunting in the southern United States; if it makes you uncomfortable that race was part of the topic, then I think you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself some questions about what it is you are really mad at here.

There’s nothing wrong with under standing how things really were/are. The problem is when people take that narrow brush and paint an entire activity/wherever as the same thing. This is often how “academic” writing works. Someone will simply refer to this work as proof of the racist roots of hunting in America, and all the sudden, the reason there are more whites than blacks in the woods is because, wait for it, racism. That opens the door to more criticism and “decolonizing” hunting to make it “equitable.” The antagonists here act as though no other explanation is possible, nor do they ever look for it.
Apr 1, 2013
I use to be a pretty big fan of the entire content platform. Steve was just about the only one on social media being honest on the restructuring of Bears Ears’s public land.

Since then Janis’s politically pointed Instagram posts pretty much, opened my eyes to how far left the platform had gone. Janis in person is a great guy, but I really don't care for the propaganda and racism that some of the recent guest have been able to promote.

I’ve chosen not to financially support a platform that's becoming counter to my public land multi-use, political and hunting beliefs.

I wish them the best and no ill will though.
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Jun 12, 2019
There are two types of people representing hunting to the masses:

1 - A few that advocate for public land access, inclusivity, and provide historical analysis that supports hunting and fishing for all that is easy to digest by all while being heavily brand driven to support their lifestyle and business.

2 - Flat brim, private land, deep pocket guys who are incredibly brand driven to support their lifestyle and business. The ones who like to skirt the law and hunting ethics for the 'gram.

Pick one. The other alternative is no representation and continued dwindling of our chosen lifestyle's popularity among the masses that vote for the idiots that make the laws.

I know it's hard to understand for some, but there is no hero coming who will do it for free. Commercial aspects of it are absolutely a given.
Sorry but you left out the fact that the vast majority of the Public Land Access people are also flat brim, public land, long range shooting, law skirting, ethic skirting, #conservationing, incredibly brand driven, fake DBs.


May 7, 2018
If that is what you got from listening to that last episode (Hunting In Chains), then I believe that says more about you than it does Meateater.
The episode was about historic hunting in the southern United States; if it makes you uncomfortable that race was part of the topic, then I think you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself some questions about what it is you are really mad at here.

You would have a point if this episode was in a bubble. And if you any close in your assumption that this podcast was about southern hunting history.

Recent episodes of meateater,

1. Disabled personality ranting on and on about how poorly the industry treated him. Lesson: Hunters are against disabled people and treat them unfair.

2. Leader of a black hunting annotative explaining why all hunters are racist You are racist if your nice to them or if you are mean to them. Hunting is just simply racist.

3. Hmong and why hunters are racist against them. Unfortunately the Hmong representative wouldn't really patriciate.

4. Numerous podcasts pertain white males in a bad light when it comes to tribal issues

5. Female Championship shooter. How the shooting industry is against women and holds them back.

6. Female free diver spear fisher champion. Again how that industry is sexist and how she was treated poorly.
7. Then the straw that broke camels back was the last one. A podcast about that a book that's out of print, that didn't do well, and had little to nothing to do with hunting. But had everything to do with racism and how all white men are racist.

8. If the have a podcast on why hunting is transphobic and homophobic this month then they will have hit all the basis.

If you don't see a pattern here then I'm not sure what you are looking at. Its crystal clear what's going on.

Again anyone of these in a bubble is fine. And all of them are worth exploring but not a podcast that is suppose to be about hunting and fishing and the consumption of those hobbies.

I'm a huge Rinella fan. Just look at my earlier posts. But there's no way to defend the Meateater podcast anymore. It's been taken over by the media agenda.