Countries that have loser pay attorney fees have a double edged sword. It more or less prevents people of lesser means to sue wealthier people or businesses because of the repercussions for getting in legal battles with them, if they loose, even if they do have legitimate cases. In the US loser paying fees as far as I know is either written into contracts, or from pretty egregious actions and is difficult to get. In this case I don't see how the land owner suffered any damages that weren't of his own creation. The gov did all the enforcement and prosecution. True the land owner probably wasted a lot of time on the case, but he didn't need to. This whole case seems stupid to me and land owners are just taking advantage and keeping people off public land for their own advantage. I hope the voters in the area remember these sorts of things come election time. Fred might be able to donate a lot of political $ to elected officials and get preferential treatment, but he can't buy the election.