Wyoming Corner Crossing defense fund

I’m not convinced much will happen; there aren’t 50 people that corner cross in Wyoming and the other 50,000 didn’t care enough to bother calling the warden or sheriff to see what he’d do if they tried it. Elk mountain ranch will have nobody crossing but it’s the anomaly, there just aren’t that many people crossing corners. If this case is won, I suspect the legislature will step in.
You don't think there are a lot of guys corner crossing? Hell I talked to 5 or 6 in a week that did it around Gillette opening week.
I’m not convinced much will happen; there aren’t 50 people that corner cross in Wyoming and the other 50,000 didn’t care enough to bother calling the warden or sheriff to see what he’d do if they tried it. Elk mountain ranch will have nobody crossing but it’s the anomaly, there just aren’t that many people crossing corners. If this case is won, I suspect the legislature will step in.

With land owners knowing they can "get away with it" and actually get people cited, their former policy of live and let live might go to the wayside.

I'm not convinced this is the fight to fight IMO
Kind of off subject but if I was these guys and found "guilty" and corner crossing is deemed "illegal" I would make it a point to hire a helicopter or plane and land yards from that corner if possible and set up camp and hunt it still.
The legislature will just make a rule such as Idaho's.
Folks need to practice a little civil disobedience like the liberals do and just cross in mass.
Problem is the conservatives are all at work and practicing live and let live.

That Add above says “very private BLM”.
I’m not convinced much will happen; there aren’t 50 people that corner cross in Wyoming and the other 50,000 didn’t care enough to bother calling the warden or sheriff to see what he’d do if they tried it. Elk mountain ranch will have nobody crossing but it’s the anomaly, there just aren’t that many people crossing corners. If this case is won, I suspect the legislature will step in.
In Leo Sheep vs. US, SCOTUS paved the way for US Govt to take easments to access public land via eminent domain. So BLM could pursue this action today. However, that is a super costly route. Attorneys, appraisers, surveyors for every single taking...it might be legally allowed but financially infeasable en masse.

Although if they had a couple thousand hunters hounding them to take just this one corner...😉
Just tuned in but wouldn’t every private land owner also have to prove where their exact corner pin is to have any say in the matter? How do they truly know their land has been stepped on?
To the point of concern some have that landowners buying/selling their property at a high dollar with the expectation of having “land locked” public land to themselves is irrelevant. If someone buys/pays for a “Mountain View Home” only to fine out the neighboring property decides to parcel out a 1000 home development that obstructs your view and resale value, does that landowner now own you compensation because you cannot resell your home for what you believe it’s worth?

Nothing if your definition of nothing is being in direct contact with the 4 hunters, raising funds, vetting appropriate attorneys, and lots more that will come to light when appropriate.

It sounds about like nothing. You made some phone calls and asked other people to pay for attorneys? But I'll bet the super duper top secret stuff to come will be a real blockbuster.
It sounds about like nothing. You made some phone calls and asked other people to pay for attorneys? But I'll bet the super duper top secret stuff to come will be a real blockbuster.

Just like the bow companies releases every year
"will change the industry FOR-EVER!!!!!!!"
I’m not convinced much will happen; there aren’t 50 people that corner cross in Wyoming and the other 50,000 didn’t care enough to bother calling the warden or sheriff to see what he’d do if they tried it. Elk mountain ranch will have nobody crossing but it’s the anomaly, there just aren’t that many people crossing corners. If this case is won, I suspect the legislature will step in.

There are a few of us who have called LEO and been told not to cross the corners and get poo-pooed by you & Buzz when we mention it - "oh, no you must be wrong...we know better - look at this memo."

The reason people aren't crossing is cause it is illegal per the LEOs we talked to when we called.

I'm pretty sure that 50,000 number is right out of a flying monkey's ass.

All of that on the side - Hopefully the lawsuit will change things - and it might even happen before I draw the hunt I been applying for. Be nice to have some additional public to hunt. It really would change a lot of hunt units for the NR.
Just tuned in but wouldn’t every private land owner also have to prove where their exact corner pin is to have any say in the matter? How do they truly know their land has been stepped on?
In this case the private land was not physically touched by the hunters, they used a ladder to cross over the corner, from public to public, their shoulders crossed over private "Air Space" that's it.

Time to step up if you hunt public land in Wyoming.
The Elk Mountain LO finally had enough and badgered the DA and/or Sheriff into issuing a ticket for criminal trespass via corner crossing. Four hunters have corner crossed here prior, this year they informed both the Warden and sheriff that they were crossing again and built a ladder to cross. Deputy issued citations and the hunters have plead not guilty. This needs to go to court and get resolved. A few $ to the gofundme would go a long way.

In years past hunters would go between the signs and at most get a warning, the deputy would not issue a ticket. LO then added the chain.

There's only one reason this LO doesn't want you crossing this corner, and that's to keep YOU off your public land.

View attachment 349293

Need to just tell the crybaby LO to quit wearing feelings on sleeves.

Hope the LO knows they're encroaching on public ground as well to keep their "empire" secure...
I understand now. You're saying that if a piece of private property is sold that makes access to adjoining public land difficult/impossible, that the person buying the property has unfair access to the public land. I can see this argument.

Your suggesting that if the land owner provided walk-in access that you'd be willing to partner to maintain the easement, and I like this approach. However, if the land owner does not want to provide an easement, you may directly/indirectly support trespassing across the land?

It seems to me that the government needs to settle this situation by mandating easements to access the public lands on existing properties and paying the land owners fair market value for the easement acreage plus an annual maintenance subsidy. However, some may see this as a type of emminent domain overreach that infringes on the rights of private landowners.

No really good solution here that i can predict.
That is exactly what needs to happen. Easement for access, if just foot access then not sure maintenance required but the government should act to provide access to public land, unfortunately the government works for fat cats so not likely to happen
Pocoloco, that is exactly what the WG&F’s walk-in and hmas are designed to do. Both landlocked private and public lands are opened up with these programs. Colo, Montana and other states have similar programs. They are voluntary and only a fraction of public land is opened up with these programs.
Wyo residents are crying for more opportunity. Options for opening up more public land may be something that could be discussed by the Wyo Task Force? I’m sure outfitters would raise a stink because a lot of outfitters have exclusive rights for hunting large acreages of these landlocked public acreages.
Wyo residents are crying for more opportunity. Options for opening up more public land may be something that could be discussed by the Wyo Task Force? I’m sure outfitters would raise a stink because a lot of outfitters have exclusive rights for hunting large acreages of these landlocked public acreages.
The task force is talking about access. It's probably the thing they talk about the most. You're right though; we as individual sportsmen and women need to show up and let them hear our voices. Some of the task force members are very sympathetic to our interests and some to landowners and individuals. The thing is that those two interests are better represented and funded at these meetings than we are. The meetings are all on Zoom and public so there are ways to participate. Just gotta do it! Or get involved with groups that do attend that track and provide input for our interests.

Corner crossing even came up at the last meeting.

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