
4 miles (400') w/ Tiny Elvis this afternoon.

Have a plan B, meeting another buddy tomorrow and will backpack into some local elk country for a few days. He has a cow B tag (it's an additional tag to your A tag that is good for a bull in this district), so that ups the odds a bit :)
See you Gents in a few days!

18 miles and a lot of up/down with 30-ish lbs and 6 miles with 80-ish lbs :D.

Buddy shot a cow just at the end of shooting light. Got it quartered up and hauled it to our camp (a little over a mile), hung the bags in a tree, ate a late supper (replete with tenderloin appetizers) and then hauled it out 4-ish miles to the trailhead.

8 miles (1000') looking for blacktails on Saturday.

Today was...
12 Minute EMOM:
Minutes 1-3: 3 snatches (singles) @ 65-75%
Minute 4: rest
Minutes 5-7: 2 snatches (singles) @ 75-85%
Minute 8: rest
Minute 9-12: 1 Snatch @ 85% +

7 Minute AMRAP:
Ascending latter of 3 reps
3-6-9-12 etc.
-Row cals
-Power snatches 95#