
15 miles (several thousand feet), a wet night in the bivy, a couple of close encounters—all cows, but a pretty sunrise nonetheless :D


Congrats to you and your son @sargent

12 miles with my pack and rifle Saturday looking for blacktails. Passed on a couple younger bucks.

Yesterday was the last day I had to hunt for the season. Decided to put some meat in the freezer and stop being picky. Came out with a heavy pack. Not a long distance pack but straight up about 900’.

^ nice work! :)

4 miles (500') with Tiny Elvis this afternoon; spent a couple of crappy hours swapping on winter tires/rims on my truck and wife's car. Two very stuck wheels— finally got the truck one by beating it was a heavy rubber mallet. Beat the one stuck on the car for almost 30 minutes and still wouldn't give.

Pro tip: tighten the lug nuts then back off almost a full turn, drive around the block (slowly)— took off the lugs and one wack w/ the mallet and it came loose!
Everyone has been busy.

The youngest, my wife and I got home last night. Got 100mi of hiking in between a scouting hike and the first 9 days of the season. Biggest day was opening day, >16mi, 4300vert and an absolute shitload of downfall during a few mile stretch. Easiest day was yesterday, a quick Hail Mary hike into several openings, 6.5mi and 1650vert. My youngest filled his elk B tag on Halloween in a blizzard in a spot that people would think we were retarded to kill a cow in. Truth be told, this is the first time since Clinton’s first term that our group hasn’t put down a single bull during opening week… I literally saw 1 legal bull.

Today- Full head to toe stretch out and warm up then did 3 sets of:
Squat/Calf Raise
Pull Up
Fisio Sit Up

Worked today, gonna cut meat tomorrow and try it again after this system coming through with more snow. I attached a pic of my wife navigating a beautiful W MT ridge.
I’ve still been staying with it, just burning some time at work and spending as much time in the woods as possible. Rifle season opened for whitetail here Saturday, and movement was slow but I was able to get a doe Sunday evening.

I’m off today but it’s storming, so gonna stay in and do legs as much as I’d rather hunt!!


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Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets) of:
Bench Press x 1 rep

Build to a challenging triple, and then use that weight to perform one rep every 90 seconds for 8 sets. Focus on moving the weight as quickly as possible from chest to lockout.

For max reps:
5 Minutes of Burpee Box Jump-Overs