What's your favorite caliber?

Favorite caliber?

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While historically a 12 ga slug has put the most meat in my freezer for most my life (shotgun zone MI). I would have to say that my favorite rifle cartridge for deer is either the .308 or 30-06. Something about hunting with .30 cal, military based cartridges just appeals to me and is about as American as apple pie.

158 gr xtp fp over lil gun

fury 158 is a pointed bullet, same load, 200 yds plus shooting w 357 mag

.355 165 ftx w same load another 200 yds plus bullet

I tried the all coppers and preferred the xtp fp
What is your preferred caliber for whitetail? I know there's alot of good ones, just curious!
List the exact cartridge and load if you want!

I like 270 with 140gr hornady btsp
My go to a is 358win for east of the mississippi, out west is a 6.5x284win. Trying out a 9.3x57 this year that is nearly the ballistic twin of the 358.15DC2D78-216A-4D79-B4A5-A30745EB472B.jpeg
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25-06 for me. I grew up playing with my Dads 700 in that caliber thinking it was magical…turns out it actually is. Built one off of a Tikka and put a brake on it cause I haven’t got a suppressor yet. If someone shot it blindfolded they would swear it was a 22 mag. 100gr Noslers at 3380 FPS or 117 SST’s at 3150. Both loads hit like Thor’s hammer, I just like changing between the pretty colored tips

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(I don't agree with everything here but some of the points are good)

I love 30-06, even though its a bit overkill for whitetails. I love the versatility and have taken it on moose, caribou, elk and whitetail hunts (Killed whitetail and caribou easily). The ballistics are great, as denoted in the video linked.
For deer, I mainly use a 6mm Remington throwing 95 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips. Works just dandy on Montana mule deer and antelope; I haven't actually taken a whitetail with it yet.

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I just had a 25-06 built to use as my deer rifle. I like it a lot so far but that is limited to range use to be honest. I haven't shot a deer with it yet because i haven't had it very long. I plan to change that this year. Now that I have all of the reloading components I plan to load it up with either berger or hammer bullets.
What twist barrel and what action did you go with?
What twist barrel and what action did you go with?

I went with a 1-9” twist. I went with a Remington 700 and had it blueprinted/trued up. I was going for a little more budget friendly but in the end I could have gotten something like a bighorn origins action and not had any work done on it for close to the same price. I’m happy with what I got though. If I was starting the build right now (build was about 2 yrs ago) I’d go with a different action. Maybe tikka or one of the rem 700 clones like the one listed above. That’s just because of the status of Remington as a company these days. Sorry, a little long winded there.

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I went with a 1-9” twist. I went with a Remington 700 and had it blueprinted/trued up. I was going for a little more budget friendly but in the end I could have gotten something like a bighorn origins action and not had any work done on it for close to the same price. I’m happy with what I got though. If I was starting the build right now (build was about 2 yrs ago) I’d go with a different action. Maybe tikka or one of the rem 700 clones like the one listed above. That’s just because of the status of Remington as a company these days. Sorry, a little long winded there.

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Gotcha the rem 700 was a good choice. The tikka would have definitely gave you some loading restrictions. I’m sure it’s a shooter!
I transitioned from using .30-06, mostly with cup and core to now shooting a 6.5 CM Tikka T3X. After shoulder surgery, it just got tougher tolerating the recoil. My rifle really likes the 120 Barnes TTSX, so that is what I am shooting for now.
35 Remington, I take it out once a year during the rut. My grandfather gave me my Marlin when I was 13, I try to take it out every season at least once… even 23 years later. Usually only take the bow otherwise. Plus who doesn’t like a lever action?
My favorite is 30 caliber, specifically a 308 Win. Maybe because that's the most suitable rifle and cartridge combo I have for Whitetail.
260ai (6.5 Creedmore on steroids) with a 130 TSX and RL23 (or RL26 powder for 140g loads).

The 130s are speed demons that work out as far as I need to shoot a deer (or sheep). Great mountain (long-range) gun with the 27" Apache barrel (which will put the 140g. bullets way further OUT there if needed).

This Savage Axis II rebuild meets any 270 (ballistics wise), but in a short action; the whole rig (lightweight maple stock, 12 oz. scope) weighs in at about 7.5 lbs. Very lightweight rig for hauling around the mountain, miles a day ;)