Deer cartridges with minimal recoil

Wood stocks are known to do this. I have seen it many times. That is the one of the most important reasons that people prefer a synthetic stock.
Perhaps...but synthetic stocks are just so butt ugly. ;) And I like the feel of wood better. I've not had any issues with wood stocks, but I do understand the functional advantages of synthetic stocks.
One option would be to buy the Howa Mini barreled action in 6mm Arc (which is remarkably benign to shoot from a recoil and concussion standpoint). Then order a laminated wood stock from Boyd’s. These stock have reasonable aesthetics if you like wood, several have adjustable LOP, they are significantly more impervious to humidity & weather, and they are cheap. Only downside for most is they are heavy… which would help dampen the recoil.

I have always found the 243 to have a sharp recoil (subjective) and have more concussion… probably one of my least favorite cartridges.

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Not for OP who stated he would shoot low recoiling factory rounds.
Yeah, I guess that's where I was getting confused. I'm not seeing any factory ammo over 100 grains, so 10 twist should be good to go for me. And all the factory ammo should fit in a short action.
What scope are you looking to mount on it?
Probably a Trijicon Huron 3-9 X 40 using the UM rings on the integral dovetail.

And going to try the 95 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip/Winchester Ballistic Silvertip and the 90 gr Hornady ELDX. Hopefully one of those will shoot well in it. These are available in factory loads. I don't hand load.
Probably a Trijicon Huron 3-9 X 40 using the UM rings on the integral dovetail.

And going to try the 95 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip/Winchester Ballistic Silvertip and the 90 gr Hornady ELDX. Hopefully one of those will shoot well in it. These are available in factory loads. I don't hand load.

My favorite factory load for 243 on deer has been the Barnes 85gr TSX. I have not killed anything past 200 yards, but within the ranges that I have hunted, it has worked very well.

It arrived on Friday. I realize that a classic cartridge (.243) in an old-school walnut stock is probably boring to a lot of the folks on this forum, but it's exactly what I was looking for and I couldn't be happier with the purchase (assuming it has mild recoil and shoots/functions well). And I even think it has a pretty decent looking piece of walnut on it for a $750 gun.

It arrived on Friday. I realize that a classic cartridge (.243) in an old-school walnut stock is probably boring to a lot of the folks on this forum, but it's exactly what I was looking for and I couldn't be happier with the purchase (assuming it has mild recoil and shoots/functions well). And I even think it has a pretty decent looking piece of walnut on it for a $750 gun.

View attachment 841633

Can’t wait to hear how it shoots!
Just curious about something...

Since I went with the legacy .243 cartridge over the 6ARC/6Creed, and I opted for the walnut/blued* steel instead of plastic/stainless, I still considered a totally irredeemable Fudd?

Or...does the fact that I went with a Tikka, opted for a Trijicon over a Leupold, and will be shooting NBTs/ELDXs instead of Core-Lokts...gain me some points towards redemption?

Heck, I'm even seriously considering using 10 round groups (without letting the barrel cool) instead of 3 round groups when I sight it in. So, that's got to count for something. ;)

Just kidding...I'm really glad I stumbled across this forum, and I have learned (and had to unlearn) a great deal of information in a relatively short time. I appreciate all of the great guidance and feedback I have received here.

(*more of a black than blue)