What's your favorite caliber?

Favorite caliber?

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I’ve killed a lot of deer with 150 grain bullets in .270win. Also a good handful with165gr .30-06. Currently dialing in a .25-06 for more open country with longer range shot potential. Also think .280ai is probably a little better than .30-06 and .270win for all around performance but have no experience with one yet.
Lots of great choices out there. It depends on distance and how thick of cover.
Pretty surprised nobody mentioned the 22 hornet, 22-250 or 220 swift. All do a great job within their effective ranges.

223 soft points do a great job at shorter distance like under 300. Maybe a little lite if your hog hunting as well though.

Lots of calibers and just as many opinions. Use what you’re comfortable with and you can get ammo for.
257 Roberts, 25-06, 260, 6.5-06, 270, 7mm-08, 280. I just grab any of the mentioned when I'm deer hunting as they all work well on thin skin critters 🍻
Took my first Deer this year using 62gr Barnes TSX in .223. Blood trail was pretty small but maybe that was my fault and not the ammo. I think I want to have a dedicated hunting rifle in .308. for next year.
I tend to hunt elk sized animals the most, and 300 Win Mag is my cartridge of choice. I use handloads with Nosler Partitions and over 90% of the time it's one shot, one kill. Took that rifle to Africa for a plains game safari around 20 years ago, 15 of 16 animals went down with one shot. The 16th took three shots because it was difficult to range the animal where it was, and the PH insisted he had the range right. He almost did.
I used to say best caliber is 30-06 because you can always find ammo. Not true these days.

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