TRT Anyone?

1 ML cypionate every 14 days. I would like to try a little shorter cycle, like 10 days maybe, but Im not excited about jamming a needle in my thigh any more often.
1 ML cypionate every 14 days. I would like to try a little shorter cycle, like 10 days maybe, but Im not excited about jamming a needle in my thigh any more often.
Try other places, it's good to constantly rotate IMO. I used to rotate my shoulders. I'd assume you would feel better and more consistent if you shortened it up to 10 days.
1 ML cypionate every 14 days. I would like to try a little shorter cycle, like 10 days maybe, but Im not excited about jamming a needle in my thigh any more often.
And are your numbers where they should be?

I do .75 ML @200mg per ML every 7 days.

I think I'm 7 years in.

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Question for you guys. If you get a couple years into TRT and for whatever reason stop it, is it true that your body won’t naturally produce T any longer? Are there any good resources on long term testing and health concerns?

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35 Years old, T levels at 330 total, 7 free pre treatment. Now hover in the 900 range total, Free T around 23. I take 100mg every 3.5 days. Inject in the thigh, butt, and shoulder. Shoulder is my favorite place to inject.

I did have some Gyno issues that snuck up on me. Started taking AI, that is a sticky slope let me tell you... It’s led me to finding a new Dr because the one I am currently using has no idea how to manage side effects at all. There is a lot to this, do your own research and know what your levels should be. Don’t trust that a dr is going to get it right for you. Like Txbuckeye said in posts above, this is a money maker for some dr’s. The one I was using was a clear example of this.

All in all the benefits are worth the hassle. I can put on muscle like I did in my early 20’s working out hard for 3 days a week. Where as before I would never see noticeable gains. My sex drive has been shit for the last 6-7 years, now I’m back to normal there. I actually have energy to get into the gym and stay in the gym.

Just do your own research amd find a good dr that not only prescribes but that has a track record on managing side effects. Some people don’t have sides, some do. I did. If you crash your estrogen levels like I did at my drs direction you’ll feel just like you did before you started treatment.
Those that are on TRT now what was your levels before you were treated and now after you are being treated? What were the results that you experienced and would you do it again?

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I was 307/9 and now I’m 700-900/27-36 depending how much I take. I mostly taking less than I’m prescribed. Would do it a million times over. Big quality of life improvement.
I’ve read this entire thread and one thing that has stood out to me is the argument that

“Once you get on trt therapy your body will no longer produce T.”

This is one of the most absurd talking points one can bring up. So your telling me that my body isn’t producing Testosterone on its own prior to treatment... my levels were at 330 as a active 35 year old male. But OMG if I get off of trt your body won’t produce it’s own T anymore!!! Well... it wasn’t producing it in the first place jack... Not only that but you can start a healthy regiment of HCG to kickstart your bodies natural production of T again if you decide to get off it.
35 Years old, T levels at 330 total, 7 free pre treatment. Now hover in the 900 range total, Free T around 23. I take 100mg every 3.5 days. Inject in the thigh, butt, and shoulder. Shoulder is my favorite place to inject.

I did have some Gyno issues that snuck up on me. Started taking AI, that is a sticky slope let me tell you... It’s led me to finding a new Dr because the one I am currently using has no idea how to manage side effects at all. There is a lot to this, do your own research and know what your levels should be. Don’t trust that a dr is going to get it right for you. Like Txbuckeye said in posts above, this is a money maker for some dr’s. The one I was using was a clear example of this.

All in all the benefits are worth the hassle. I can put on muscle like I did in my early 20’s working out hard for 3 days a week. Where as before I would never see noticeable gains. My sex drive has been shit for the last 6-7 years, now I’m back to normal there. I actually have energy to get into the gym and stay in the gym.

Just do your own research amd find a good dr that not only prescribes but that has a track record on managing side effects. Some people don’t have sides, some do. I did. If you crash your estrogen levels like I did at my drs direction you’ll feel just like you did before you started treatment.
Still on AI? what dosage and how did you take it? Injection?
Still on AI? what dosage and how did you take it? Injection?
AI sweet spot for me feels around .25-.50mg with Test shot, so every 3.5 days. Taking Anastrozole in pill form. My dr was wanting me to take 2mg a week, I did for a while but it tanked my estrogen levels. I got a sensitive estradiol test done Saturday with my new dr to see where my levels are at. One thing to insist on is a “sensitive” estradiol test because the regular test is made to pick up estrogen levels in women, we need a more sensitive test to accurately see what our numbers are as males.
AI sweet spot for me feels around .25-.50mg with Test shot, so every 3.5 days. Taking Anastrozole in pill form. My dr was wanting me to take 2mg a week, I did for a while but it tanked my estrogen levels. I got a sensitive estradiol test done Saturday with my new dr to see where my levels are at. One thing to insist on is a “sensitive” estradiol test because the regular test is made to pick up estrogen levels in women, we need a more sensitive test to accurately see what our numbers are as males.
Appreciate the reply.

Also thanks to all who have contributed, this has been going well and might actually be opening eyes to some folks.
Been on TRT about 5 years, 53 years old now. My T level was in the 300's. 5' 10" 175 in shape, lift, sprint, ruck, paleo-ish diet, no sugars, processed carbs. Also self diagnosed a thyroid problem. Super important to get that figured out and "normal " TSH levels mean shit. Thyroid is a whole other thread and if you have thyroid problems pushing up T may do nothing until your thyroid is squared away. I take about .8 ml per week of Cyp, split into shots on Sunday and Wednesday and do sub Q, not IM, which is much easier. Don't let anyone convince you sub Q doesn't work, that's BS. My levels are around 1300 right now and I take zero AI. Being lean definitely helps with aromatherapy and you are much better off not using AI if you can. Finding a doctor that understands TRT or finding one who will at least let you do what's right is the biggest hurdle. Alot of good information is available on T Nation and other forums. You need to become an expert for your own health. If I can help on this thread I certainly will.
Been on TRT about 5 years, 53 years old now. My T level was in the 300's. 5' 10" 175 in shape, lift, sprint, ruck, paleo-ish diet, no sugars, processed carbs. Also self diagnosed a thyroid problem. Super important to get that figured out and "normal " TSH levels mean shit. Thyroid is a whole other thread and if you have thyroid problems pushing up T may do nothing until your thyroid is squared away. I take about .8 ml per week of Cyp, split into shots on Sunday and Wednesday and do sub Q, not IM, which is much easier. Don't let anyone convince you sub Q doesn't work, that's BS. My levels are around 1300 right now and I take zero AI. Being lean definitely helps with aromatherapy and you are much better off not using AI if you can. Finding a doctor that understands TRT or finding one who will at least let you do what's right is the biggest hurdle. Alot of good information is available on T Nation and other forums. You need to become an expert for your own health. If I can help on this thread I certainly will.

1300 sounds very high based upon what I have read. My lab work says normal range is 300-1000.

Are you taking more T to help increase muscle as a PED or is this what your doctor has determined as where you need to be after having low T?

I meet with my urologist Wednesday for my follow up after having my blood tests to determine how low I am. At my last visit he was saying I should be in the 700-750 range. My last three tests were 209, 162 and 253.

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1300 sounds very high based upon what I have read. My lab work says normal range is 300-1000.

Are you taking more T to help increase muscle as a PED or is this what your doctor has determined as where you need to be after having low T?

I meet with my urologist Wednesday for my follow up after having my blood tests to determine how low I am. At my last visit he was saying I should be in the 700-750 range. My last three tests were 209, 162 and 253.

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Any dr that says 300 is normal should be kicked in the sack.

I used to think 1300 was high as well, but having talked to a few dozen people on TRT, this thread, and some videos, while it is certainly the maximum amount, it's not uncommon at all.

I think 700-1000 is about peak depending on your body, from what I have read and heard.
New doctor I found after moving is Russian. My level was over 1k and she wanted it higher, also wanted my E2 higher. She asked if I'd be willing to try the increase and I said yes. Everything seems good overall, can't tell that much than when it was 1000-1100. I believe you really need your level to be around 1k, not 7-800. Another important point is to reduce as many chemicals getting into your body as you can, whether eating them or putting them on your body (deodorant or cologne for example). Chemicals screw with hormones big time.
Plastics, body wash, deodorant, tons of other stuff, all contain estrogen mimicking compounds

It's pretty wild how few people know about this. Not saying TRT isn't a great option for some people, but I bet if everyone in this thread read up carefully on how our society is collectively inundated with synthetic estrogens, a large percentage of guys wouldn't even need to take anything through a needle.

It's pretty wild how few people know about this. Not saying TRT isn't a great option for some people, but I bet if everyone in this thread read up carefully on how our society is collectively inundated with synthetic estrogens, a large percentage of guys wouldn't even need to take anything through a needle.

We can speculate forever. The world has changed. Many people are sitting at desks in front of phones and computers for more time than ever. I’d say that has played a bigger role than soaps and deodorants. I agree on the processed foods and junk (sugar in everything, let’s slam 2-10 cups of coffee daily with extra whatever). But it’s a lifestyle. Many people come home and sit on couch or have no physical activity. Okay you do yard work, but nothing pushing yourself mentally/physically. I think that is causing higher low T numbers we see today than etc listed in article. Even then can’t say for everyone what other factors play a role. For me I was a collegiate athlete and maintained working out hard since those days. Lifted plenty of heavy weights, work in concrete construction (in field for early years, now spend most of day driving between jobs), and had low T. Lot of things to help but I’ll say it’s a bigger issue than people give credit and no little tricks or eating organic will save you from the big picture.
That is an interesting response. Seemed like you started out looking for info. You got some.
I specifically asked people on TRT what their levels were before and after, and the thread is focused around people who need/may need TRT.

Last thing I want is someone to come into the thread and basically tell you why it's wrong, bad, or not needed and their opinion on how to fix it without TRT.

Those of us who deal with low T related issues live a shit life and suffer from it, and I don't want his opinion to derail or distract the original idea behind this thread. Dealing with it (if it's actually low T related) is a major loss of time you can't get back and quality of life during said time is just awful. I used to laugh at hormones and medical related issues when I was younger, now I realize small changes in your body can cause big issues.