Juiced to the gills ?

I am very much in the to each his own camp. If you want to juice, juice. YMMV. But that being said IMO the long term effects for younger guys like me dont seem to be worth it for the time being. see bitch tits, baldness, killing your natural test production, enlarged heart, untimely death, etc.
But it’s not always those side effects if done correctly. I’m not well versed in other anabolics but responsible doses of TRT isn’t going to put you in the grave any sooner. Yeah there’s going to be exceptions to that statement but that’s with everything in general. The real misconception that PEDs is just going to magically turn your fitness and health around without a real effort at diet/exercise.

The real bummer is how our male population’s testosterone has shown to decline over the years. It sucks that we as a society and the generations before us allowed our food and exposure to harmful chemicals to play such a huge role in that decline.

Theres a ton of work out medical system could use in regards to people getting adequate prescriptions and dosages.
But it’s not always those side effects if done correctly. I’m not well versed in other anabolics but responsible doses of TRT isn’t going to put you in the grave any sooner. Yeah there’s going to be exceptions to that statement but that’s with everything in general. The real misconception that PEDs is just going to magically turn your fitness and health around without a real effort at diet/exercise.

The real bummer is how our male population’s testosterone has shown to decline over the years. It sucks that we as a society and the generations before us allowed our food and exposure to harmful chemicals to play such a huge role in that decline.

Theres a ton of work out medical system could use in regards to people getting adequate prescriptions and dosages.
I was referring to PEDS broadly instead of T specifically. though abuse of anything, even water can kill you.

Thanks for the thread to pull. At some point ill dig into the rates of tes for US men vs other developed countries. hopefully theres research that would also include developing and underdeveloped countries.

My theory is that most post industrial countries will have lower historical testosterone rates than they did previously as they are likely more dependent on "GMO" and processed foods. I imagine a man in a developing country with access to organic whole foods as the standard would probably have higher T levels than a similar man in a developed country. I would also surmise that someone living in an underdeveloped country like NK would have abysmally low T.
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T seems so much cleaner and better regulated. My buddies in high school on steroids had no clue what they were really getting. There has been a bunch of steroid research that confirms illicit quality is all over the place (not much different that any other illicit drug). The guys I know on T are mostly injecting themselves and regularly getting levels checked and pairing that advantage with all of the knowledge we have today about proper fitness and nutrition. When I was playing high school football dudes were still trying to lose weight eating subway instead of loading up on protein. I now have years of data regarding my T levels, including different times a day. When lower levels start to significantly impact my quality of life I will 100% jump on it and I fully expect to see an increase of ability from where I am currently. I will also make sure I take shirtless pictures for Instagram so all of the 30 year olds know how jacked and tan I am. #notnowchiefiaminthezone