I just met with my urologist and I went from 165 total Test with 5.8 free test to 253 and 10.8 free test on my two blood work tests since we met last. Because my LH, FSH, TSH and my Free testosterone all fall within what is considered normal ranges on the most recent lab work he wants to hold off on prescribing TRT.
He feels if I continue working out and losing weight I will most likely fall within normal ranges within the next 3 months. If on my next visit in 3 months I am not any better then we will most likely be going on TRT.
On one hand it sucks because I want to feel better now but on the other I understand where he is coming from if most of the related numbers went from below normal and are in the normal ranges now and up significantly in the last month it makes sense to see what I can do naturally.