TRT Anyone?

Those that are on TRT now what was your levels before you were treated and now after you are being treated? What were the results that you experienced and would you do it again?

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Lost fat around mid section. Not much maybe 5 pounds.

Gained 10 to 15 pounds of muscle.

Went from large to an XL shirts.

More energy, more stamina, horny all the time.

Got more body hair.

Was moody 2 days after injection for 6 months. Just learned to deal with it better.

Numbers were taken twice. First was 221 @37 years old. Then 61 after cancer treatment. Went to around 500 or so after injections.

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Been on it for a year now. Early 40's, started out at 400/10. I take 80mg every 3.5 days. I'm sitting at 1200/30.

Never felt better. Still hate the x2 week pokes but put on 15 lbs of lean muscle mass in 5 months. Not doing that at my age with protein shakes and creatine.

Did have to go on 1/2 a pill a week of arimidex to drop by estrogen levels but looks like I'll be dropping that again after my recent tests came back insanely low.
Been on it for a year now. Early 40's, started out at 400/10. I take 80mg every 3.5 days. I'm sitting at 1200/30.

Never felt better. Still hate the x2 week pokes but put on 15 lbs of lean muscle mass in 5 months. Not doing that at my age with protein shakes and creatine.

Did have to go on 1/2 a pill a week of arimidex to drop by estrogen levels but looks like I'll be dropping that again after my recent tests came back insanely low.
Those were my levels at 25, almost 6 years ago when my dr said just eat better and work out more. I was eating VERY clean, taking supps, and worked out twice a day 4x a week. Been on a severe and CONSTANT decline since.

Think I was 405/8 IIRCC.
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Lost fat around mid section. Not much maybe 5 pounds.

Gained 10 to 15 pounds of muscle.

Went from large to an XL shirts.

More energy, more stamina, horny all the time.

Got more body hair.

Was moody 2 days after injection for 6 months. Just learned to deal with it better.

Numbers were taken twice. First was 221 @37 years old. Then 61 after cancer treatment. Went to around 500 or so after injections.

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Those are very impressive results! Losing 5 pounds of fat but then gaining 10-15 pounds of lean muscle is huge change in body composition especially with you having been treated for cancer. I hope you have no more issues with the cancer.

Did you change your workouts to get those results? How old are you now and how long have you been on TRT?
Those are very impressive results! Losing 5 pounds of fat but then gaining 10-15 pounds of lean muscle is huge change in body composition especially with you having been treated for cancer. I hope you have no more issues with the cancer.

Did you change your workouts to get those results? How old are you now and how long have you been on TRT?

I didn't change my workouts. But I could lift more for longer and recover faster. I also had more motivation.

It's interesting, the TRT can make you gain or loose a little just by how much you take. With a full ML for a month I gained 5 pounds. Also a little stressed if I back it down to 3/4 for 5 or 6 weeks then I'll be back at 215 from 222.

As far as cancer, the initial cancer I had is done and gone but now I have another primary. Good news is it's very treatable.

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no little tricks or eating organic will save you from the big picture.

That's definitely true, but I wouldn't describe avoiding contact between plastics and what you eat and drink, using naturally derived body washes, deodorants and shampoos, avoiding oxybenzone sunscreen, nonstick cookware and dryer sheets, maintaining good sleep hygiene, working out rigorously 5 or 6 times a week, and maintaining a well balanced diet of whole foods as "a little trick."

We have put a ton of stuff in our environment that is directly detrimental to human testosterone levels since the chemical diaspora of the 50s, but it *is* possible to avoid a lot of it. Any of those items above will give you a hell of a Google rabbit hole to go down.

That's definitely true, but I wouldn't describe avoiding contact between plastics and what you eat and drink, using naturally derived body washes, deodorants and shampoos, avoiding oxybenzone sunscreen, nonstick cookware and dryer sheets, maintaining good sleep hygiene, working out rigorously 5 or 6 times a week, and maintaining a well balanced diet of whole foods as "a little trick."

We have put a ton of stuff in our environment that is directly detrimental to human testosterone levels since the chemical diaspora of the 50s, but it *is* possible to avoid a lot of it. Any of those items above will give you a hell of a Google rabbit hole to go down.

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Agreed on sleep, working out, and eating as I already mentioned. Don’t disagree on the others having a negative impact but those would be down the list of importance and changing all of them I don’t think would turn the tide on low T #s. There is some interesting info on BP-3 as your clip suggests. That and others you mentioned are a good place to start for additional info.

Just as I showed my buddy looking incredible while having low T it’s not something you can point out easily. He didn’t even know he had low T but I asked him to get bloodwork before doing his diet.

I think it’s critical for people to get tested in early to mid 20s. Not just for low T but compressive blood work in general. Should be done yearly along with physical.
I started at age others have said, how much you take is directly related to the results. I wanted to slim down a bit and blew up instead but I have cut back from my recommended dosage and finally, the scale is going in the opposite direction.

6 ft 236#'s to start and went to 250# over the first 2.5 months, I have always been a wide-chested guy that had no problems gaining mass if I was working out. But that was not my goal. I have since switched to 3 injections of .25mg per week instead of (2) with .50 per week and the results were almost instantaneous, as far as shedding a bit of weight.
I started at age others have said, how much you take is directly related to the results. I wanted to slim down a bit and blew up instead but I have cut back from my recommended dosage and finally, the scale is going in the opposite direction.

6 ft 236#'s to start and went to 250# over the first 2.5 months, I have always been a wide-chested guy that had no problems gaining mass if I was working out. But that was not my goal. I have since switched to 3 injections of .25mg per week instead of (2) with .50 per week and the results were almost instantaneous, as far as shedding a bit of weight.
It’s funny I have only been on my trt regiment for about 6 months and I have noticed the same thing with my dosage. Gain weight at 1ml/200mg, easier to loose weight and get trim at .75/150mg a week. But I feel more motivated and energetic at 200mg/week so it’s a little bit of a trade off for me
It's pretty wild how few people know about this. Not saying TRT isn't a great option for some people, but I bet if everyone in this thread read up carefully on how our society is collectively inundated with synthetic estrogens, a large percentage of guys wouldn't even need to take anything through a needle.

Even if plastics were the sole culprit, look how hard it is to eliminate them. Body soap is easy, shampoo not so much, then you get to food and drinks. Heck the syringe we use is plastic. My wife buys everything she can that organic again, you have very little control when it comes down to it.
I will give you this, something has changed is society, low-T, ED I don't think has been this prevalent for all that long or maybe the anonymity of the internet has people admitting to something our dads and grandfathers hid? Actually I don't think that the case.
I watched a documentary the other day on what they felt like caused the rise in cancer and it was pretty eye opening. I think this issue belongs in that same discussion.
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I just met with my urologist and I went from 165 total Test with 5.8 free test to 253 and 10.8 free test on my two blood work tests since we met last. Because my LH, FSH, TSH and my Free testosterone all fall within what is considered normal ranges on the most recent lab work he wants to hold off on prescribing TRT.

He feels if I continue working out and losing weight I will most likely fall within normal ranges within the next 3 months. If on my next visit in 3 months I am not any better then we will most likely be going on TRT.

On one hand it sucks because I want to feel better now but on the other I understand where he is coming from if most of the related numbers went from below normal and are in the normal ranges now and up significantly in the last month it makes sense to see what I can do naturally.
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I just met with my urologist and I went from 165 total Test with 5.8 free test to 253 and 10.8 free test on my two blood work tests since we met last. Because my LH, FSH, TSH and my Free testosterone all fall within what is considered normal ranges he wants to hold off on prescribing TRT.

He feels if I continue working out and losing weight I will most likely fall within normal ranges within the next 3 months. If on my next visit in 3 months I am not any better then we will most likely be going on TRT.

On one hand it sucks because I want to feel better now but on the other I understand where he is coming from if most of the related numbers went from below normal and are in the normal ranges now and up significantly in the last month it makes sense to see what I can do naturally.
I'm not a doctor and I'm fairly new to looking into this, but those numbers fall well below what is considered "normal." I would consider finding a second opinion.
I'm not a doctor and I'm fairly new to looking into this, but those numbers fall well below what is considered "normal." I would consider finding a second opinion.
Total test on both tests were below normal but total test went up 53% in a couple weeks and the other results that tie in to testosterone were all in the normal ranges and had increased significantly over the month by roughly doubling.
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Even if plastics were the sole culprit, look how hard it is to eliminate them.

Plastics are far from the sole culprit- there are a lot of sources. Some of them are hard to avoid, but many of them are really pretty easy to stay away from. Again, I'm not saying it would solve the problem completely for every person on earth, but making a conscious effort to avoid the known sources of synthetic estrogenic chemicals is virtually guaranteed to increase your testosterone levels to some degree. There also isn't any real downside.

I will give you this, something has changed is society, low-T, ED I don't think has been this prevalent for all that long or maybe the anonymity of the internet has people admitting to something our dads and grandfathers hid?

Many of the studies you see saying testosterone levels have fallen in the past 70ish years are generated from military in processing records, which eliminates reporting bias and is about as accurate a random sampling of the population as you can get. It is clearly and scientifically verified that this is happening, and although correlation does not equal causation, the increase in incidence of conditions like low T lines up almost directly with the propagation of these chemicals. And, you're absolutely right- Low T is actually one of the least nefarious ways this is becoming apparent when compared to the growing incidence of cancer, birth defects, congenital diseases etc. We have put ourselves in a pretty shitty spot.
I just met with my urologist and I went from 165 total Test with 5.8 free test to 253 and 10.8 free test on my two blood work tests since we met last. Because my LH, FSH, TSH and my Free testosterone all fall within what is considered normal ranges on the most recent lab work he wants to hold off on prescribing TRT.

He feels if I continue working out and losing weight I will most likely fall within normal ranges within the next 3 months. If on my next visit in 3 months I am not any better then we will most likely be going on TRT.

On one hand it sucks because I want to feel better now but on the other I understand where he is coming from if most of the related numbers went from below normal and are in the normal ranges now and up significantly in the last month it makes sense to see what I can do naturally.
I'd find a new dr or really really try to convince him to just jump into it. "Normal" to some dr is bad. 300 can be normal but how you feel at 600+ compared to around 400 is a crazy difference. You only get one life my friend, live it with quality.
I'd find a new dr or really really try to convince him to just jump into it. "Normal" to some dr is bad. 300 can be normal but how you feel at 600+ compared to around 400 is a crazy difference. You only get one life my friend, live it with quality.
Like I said I was hoping for it now but understand where he is coming from. In only a few weeks my levels went from well below normal to for most in the midrange of normal. The Free test while being more than 50% less than the high normal level it is now 30% plus above the low end of normal. I also had a widow maker heart attack at 43 which I assume is part of his factoring since increased test also means thicker blood which could increase the likeliness of a heart attack.

In my research I had read that Cialis actually increases Test and most pre-workouts have L-Arginine and L-Citruline which increases NO which helps with ED. I asked about both and he said I could take both daily with no downside as long as I am not ingesting too much caffeine so I think I am going to do that and continue my kettlebell, biking and backpack cardio workouts and see how I respond. He did say if it doesn't work then we would do the TRT so I feel at least at this point he is looking out for me. He also said in the first appointment that if the tests cam back poorly he would be looking to target total test ranges of 700-750.
The problem I've seen with this 300 to 1000 range is they keep adjusting it.
I believe prior to 2012 the range was 500-1300
So they keep lowering it to the individuals bring studied.
So the next new normal mite be 150-750

I don't want to be at the bottom of current society, I want to be in the middle/top of ancestral society.
Labcorp has the normal range on their reports at 265 to a high I think of 1100.