TRT Anyone?

I followed the label on the Costco supps. Saw my initial big increase (while my diet and exercise were going downhill). Then I stopped those and took fadogia/tongkat/ashwaganda according to the Huberman podcast recommendations. My numbers held pretty much. Total T was 700’s and free was 10.x. Free held but total T went up to 900’s on HCG/Enclomiphene.
I used to drink 6-8 beers a night and was curious if i could stop drinking. I stopped cold turkey on 6/8. During that same time I was getting my T tested. On 5/15 and 6/14 it was 243 and 288 respectively. 2 months later 8/8, after i stopped drinking it was up to 490. Free T is up a little from 6.3-8.3 to 8.8. Not sure what "normal" is for a 55 yo but it definitely helped the numbers. Can't say i feel any different regarding energy/sex drive...yet.

T 5.15.23.JPG

T 8.8.23.JPG
Very interesting read. I just turned 39, been lifting hard since January. Started with a 72 hr fast Jan 3 and have never really felt the same. Been tired, no motivation, no energy, no drive like I had and mood swings. I have always been an early riser and seem to go to bed early, now its hard to get out of bed at 630a even if I go to bed at 9p. I have been walking and riding bike anywhere from a 10 min HIIT to 30 minutes and still feel like I have no energy. Diet is pretty clean, a few protein drinks a day, some creatine, light lunch and moderate dinner of protein, veggies and fruit. I am about 199#s.

Are there any supplements that help raise FT? I would like to see if something helps increase before doing an online clinic? Thanks.
Very interesting read. I just turned 39, been lifting hard since January. Started with a 72 hr fast Jan 3 and have never really felt the same. Been tired, no motivation, no energy, no drive like I had and mood swings. I have always been an early riser and seem to go to bed early, now its hard to get out of bed at 630a even if I go to bed at 9p. I have been walking and riding bike anywhere from a 10 min HIIT to 30 minutes and still feel like I have no energy. Diet is pretty clean, a few protein drinks a day, some creatine, light lunch and moderate dinner of protein, veggies and fruit. I am about 199#s.

Are there any supplements that help raise FT? I would like to see if something helps increase before doing an online clinic? Thanks.
Read my posts above.

First step is to order blood work to see where you're at. T might not be your issue.
Very interesting read. I just turned 39, been lifting hard since January. Started with a 72 hr fast Jan 3 and have never really felt the same. Been tired, no motivation, no energy, no drive like I had and mood swings. I have always been an early riser and seem to go to bed early, now its hard to get out of bed at 630a even if I go to bed at 9p. I have been walking and riding bike anywhere from a 10 min HIIT to 30 minutes and still feel like I have no energy. Diet is pretty clean, a few protein drinks a day, some creatine, light lunch and moderate dinner of protein, veggies and fruit. I am about 199#s.

Are there any supplements that help raise FT? I would like to see if something helps increase before doing an online clinic? Thanks.
Avoid the online clinic for sure. I definitely wasted a bunch of money there and the service is garbage. The more I dig into this, the more I’m realizing most of the trt clinics are garbage.

If you’re wanting to avoid trt this is the route I think I’m go to go down. I don’t know if I’ll use this company or I’ll try to find a local naturopathic doctor to help me.
Should check thyroid levels also, some of the same symptoms for low testosterone are same for thyroid issues. You will not believe some of the symptoms/ issues you get when thyroid goes crazy. I honestly thought I was loosing it until we figured out what was going on.

Mine was completely removed and it was the largest the surgeon had removed to date. Had to cut it out in chunks. Most think only females have issues but men do too.
Got blood work done last week. Was curious what my levels would be, I’m high 600s (I’ll be 35 next month). Honestly thought it would be a lot lower based on how I’ve been feeling. So, looking at other things and cleaning up how much and how often I eat.
Got blood work done last week. Was curious what my levels would be, I’m high 600s (I’ll be 35 next month). Honestly thought it would be a lot lower based on how I’ve been feeling. So, looking at other things and cleaning up how much and how often I eat.
Did you get your free test level checked? It is possible to have a high testosterone level with a high SHBG level. This binds up your testosterone that is available to use. Free test level is a better test as it shows what testosterone is available
I’ve heard Boron mentioned a couple times on here.

Is this the same thing as Borax (a laundry soap booster)?

Google had a few studies on cycling 7 days on, 7 days off as a way of increasing Free T but also sounded like it could be toxic if mis dosed.

Also read that if take longer than 7 days, Estrogen spikes way up to try to compensate and rebalance hormone levels.

What do you all know about Boron and its benefits and more importantly, its side effects?

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I’ve heard Boron mentioned a couple times on here.

Is this the same thing as Borax (a laundry soap booster)?

Google had a few studies on cycling 7 days on, 7 days off as a way of increasing Free T but also sounded like it could be toxic if mis dosed.

Also read that if take longer than 7 days, Estrogen spikes way up to try to compensate and rebalance hormone levels.

What do you all know about Boron and its benefits and more importantly, its side effects?

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I think its a lot more complicated than 1 supplement, I would be cautious going that route. Personally, the root problem seems to be high Cortisol(stress). I'm working on that and sleep. High cortisol wrecks your sleep too, so it just becomes a really bad loop.

I have labs scheduled again in a few months and if I make progress I'll post the supplements I took and what I did on here.
I think its a lot more complicated than 1 supplement, I would be cautious going that route.

95% of the time this is correct. There is generally a host of health issues that are not readily apparent. I'm currently on a path to improve all areas of health.
I had a full workup of bloodwork as a "starting point" to see where i am healthwise. While my T levels were not in the "low zone" there are other things that the Dr. said might be inhibiting my testosterone production.

One of the starters is that, it looks like might be becoming insulin resistant and I have very low vitamin D levels. The vitamin D, I figured was a fact, but insulin resistance? Didn't see that one coming because there is 0 cases of diabetes in my family tree, I'm not overweight, and I eat a very clean diet.
So i'm on a bunch of supplementation for inflammation reduction, digestion, cutting alcohol everyday except saturday. I'll be doing new bloodwork in about 3 months to determine if what I'm doing is having an impact.
@doc holiday13 You sound like me. I'm fit,, active, and eat healthy. I rarely even drink alcohol anymore - My glucose test wasn't out of range but was on the upper end. I was really surprised by that but after doing some more digging too much cortisol for too long can mess up your glucose test too. Did you do a Cortisol test?
@doc holiday13 You sound like me. I'm fit,, active, and eat healthy. I rarely even drink alcohol anymore - My glucose test wasn't out of range but was on the upper end. I was really surprised by that but after doing some more digging too much cortisol for too long can mess up your glucose test too. Did you do a Cortisol test?

My BP measured at 2:30pm was 112/80 so relatively low
So my triglycerides were 250 and my LDL was 143. I was in a fasted state.
My A1C 5.3, blood glucose 91
We didn't do the cortisol test because there didn't seem to be a reason to do so as I'm not having overweight problem or issues loosing weight/gaining muscle

My suspicion is that getting COVID hit my body hard and my body hasn't recovered properly. There is data out there to suggest that people have gotten diabetes as a result of getting COVID.
In the meantime, I'm on a high dose of Omega 3, Vitamin D, chromium, Berberine, and some tinctures my wife is putting together(dealing with T production, inflamation, and gut health)
Someone needs to figure out why there is a huge decrease in sperm count and all the low -T levels issues among young men. Call me skeptical but when globalist are openly calling for population reductions and we keep hearing about the issues I just mentioned. I’m going to assume there’s a correlation or some sort of side effect from the re-engineering of our food supply.
The theory of microplastics being everywhere and our lack of understanding how they interact with our bodies long term makes more sense to me than some global elite cabal turning us impotent. All they would have to do is hand out free birth control and vasectomies. Seems way easier.
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Someone needs to figure out why there is a huge decrease in sperm count and all the low -T levels issues among young men. Call me skeptical but when globalist are openly calling for population reductions and we keep hearing about the issues I just mentioned. I’m going to assume there’s a correlation or some sort of side effect from the re-engineering of our food supply.

that's actually a really easy one. it's literally death by a thousand cuts. it's nearly impossible to get away from hormone disruptors. Yankee candle type product everywhere in the home and office. chemical dyes in your food products. laundry smells fresh for 10 years after being washed. birth control in the water. other random chemicals in the water. it's everywhere and the list goes on and on.

Feel much better. Can get and keep erections. Better mood. Skinnyfat 220lbs -> lanky with some muscle 185lb.

Veterans affairs wouldn't make an exception because 250 is their cutoff so I pay out of pocket. Sucks but it's better than feeling like garbage all of the time.
My total and free levels dropped significantly after my first bout with Covid. I haven’t had any medical professional agree that Covid had anything to do with my T levels but it was instant. I noticed a very significant drop in energy and libido about 10 days to 2 weeks after first positive C19 test. I dealt with it for a year before I decided to take action. I had levels checked a few times via my GP. They were below 300. She just wanted me to sleep and workout more. I tried that but actually very difficult to do when you feel like absolute trash. So I went to a clinic (referred by some close friends who personally know the owner) and they tested me 2x. I was sub 200 total. I forget the free numbers but they were very low too. I’ve been taking TRT since March now and it’s been crazy how much better I feel. My crit has gone up slowly so I donate whole blood. Most of my other labs have improved. My BP was slightly high before but has actually dropped a few points since starting TRT. Cholesterol has dropped significantly. Probably all related to me having energy now to workout and not want to binge eat trash all the time. But my T levels are pretty high now. Like 1200+ and 30 free. So he dropped my dosage recently but haven’t had labs drawn again since. I’m early 40s. I’m still worried about any TRT related health issues but I’m trusting the lab results and the way I feel. I felt so bad before TRT it’s worth some risk to me.