What is your on mountain supplement stack?

I'm an old guy now. I don't think supplements are going to add much value at this point. Morning coffee, Advil and some arthritis strength Tylenol for headaches gets me through most hunts.

Fish oil, zinc, vitamin D and K, Tongkat Ali

Afternoon: nitric oxide supplement

Evening: cannabis edible

I do cycle creatine in the late spring through the summer, but usually come off of it by the end of the summer as my strength is declining due to the amount of backpacking and weight loss anyway. When I am on it and out backpacking, I add it to my oatmeal.
I usually start the morning off right with a healthy dose of dbol to loosen up the bones. Then I transition to a nice cup of coffee . No cream since that adds weight to my pack.

I use my jet boil to warm up my test e. before plunging 2 cc's into my left shoulder (my non bow pulling shoulder). This ensures I'm ready to draw my 150 lb bow at a moments notice.

By then I am finally ready to start the day.
AG1 travel packs and Magtein (magnesium) to help sleep. Easy to cary and helps supplement nutrients needed for long days in the field.