Getting mine checked along with full bloodwork next week.
Pretty sure mine are bottomed out.
If memory serves me right 2 years ago they were at 250 but they wouldn’t treat anything because it was afternoon when they pulled my blood and it’s supposed to be lower then. Based on reading this thread and how I “feel” wouldn’t surprise me if they are at 1.
I do a work out ..focused on a body group and I can barely move for a week or two weeks afterwards.
And I am exhausted ALL the time. Admittedly my schedule is crazy I’m overworked and I’m sleep deprived 75% of the week 4-6 hrs a day (work overnights)
On my long stretches off I still can barely function.. even 3 to 5 days in “Recovery “ My body craves sleep and needs 12-13 hrs at a time.
Even if I set the alarm and get the standard 8 hours and plan to be productive.. by noon I’m snoring again for the extra 3-4 hours I didn’t get
. I’m also having wide BP swings too. Overall tending downward since I’ve been eating better and lost 14 lbs but not where it needs to be
@Zap do you have information or a link to share on the carnivore diet