TRT Anyone?

All of you guys with issues in TRT need to get with a legit hormone specialist and start doing daily or twice weekly sub Q injections.
What makes you say that ? Is more regular dosing better at avoiding these BP issues? My T has crashed hard the last 8 months and I’m experiencing penis atrophy and ED. Yet to start TRT after 3 years of being told my levels were low but in normal range. Very afraid I’ve let the ED go too long now to be able to get that sorted. I’ve put on weight and lost muscle mass gradually over the last 3 years . I’m 47 now . Have been sedentary for the last 2 years due to plantar fasciitis but now working out and boxing daily

You get a more consistent level by increasing the frequency. Spread the weekly injection dosage out every 3 & 4 days you'll get less of a low feeling at the end of the week.

Something you may want to also consider is Semaglutide. Do some research and speak with a Dr but I've seen it help a lot of people lose weight.
What’s the difference between infra muscular and subq injections? Apart from less pain. Does it absorb quicker as sub q?

I missed that part, I've not used it SQ only IM.

I can say I feel the best results with twice a week injections VS once a week.
What makes you say that ? Is more regular dosing better at avoiding these BP issues? My T has crashed hard the last 8 months and I’m experiencing penis atrophy and ED. Yet to start TRT after 3 years of being told my levels were low but in normal range. Very afraid I’ve let the ED go too long now to be able to get that sorted. I’ve put on weight and lost muscle mass gradually over the last 3 years . I’m 47 now . Have been sedentary for the last 2 years due to plantar fasciitis but now working out and boxing daily

More frequent injections better mimic the natural cycle. Sub Q hurts way less and works just as well/better than IM.
The service so far has been great. They do not accept insurance, nor was the Clomid approved through insurance. The Clomid will cost me an additional $33 for a three month supply.

Their services run $189 for the initial patient visit and then $83 per month after which covers prescriptions and follow up lab work. The initial visit was via video call though I could probably have gone in in person.

My understanding is the 25mg/day for the initial two months is to establish some sort of baseline and to lower the chances of a spike in estrogen production as the Clomid works to help your body generate T as well as reduce the risk of side effects. If the numbers don't increase significantly after the first two months we will start on 50mg/day and reevaluate again.

I started Clomid when I was 21. My levels were low low. Within a few months they were in the 900’s but estrogen also spiked. It works well. I fell off the wagon. Been feeling like crap. Need to get back on it

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Took me 2 days of frequent interruptions but made it through the 21 pages. Thanks to those that have shared their experiences (good and bad). I've been tossing this idea around for about two years now as ive experienced many of the same issues described by members on here. Had my test levels checked last year and I believe it was 425. I was 37 at the time so I imagine it's done nothing but go lower. of course my pcp wouldn't touch the topic and recommended depression meds instead (no damn way) based on me telling him about my symptoms (lack of energy, lack of motivation, decreased sex drive, poor sleep, weight gain...).

If you're a Washington resident and don't mind sharing the name of the clinic you're happy with please let me know (or pm if you don't want it public).
Just started roughly month ago with injections every 4 days. Before i had low energy and had a hard time putting on muscle and and keeping weight off. If i took a week off of the gym i felt like i lost all my gains and putting on fat was too easy. Got tested and my levels were low 400's and my free test was almost non existent. I have my follow up blood draw coming up and want to know what my levels are at now. I'm not taking a high dosage, but feel like i have more energy and have gained strength in the gym. on the other hand I'm not sure if its the holiday weight or what but i feel like I've put on weight, but again i started taking it right before starting my food binge on thanksgiving.
Any of you guys that are on TRT, did you have high blood pressure going into it? Any concerns from your cardiologist about it? Did you see an increase or decrease in blood pressure?
Any of you guys that are on TRT, did you have high blood pressure going into it? Any concerns from your cardiologist about it? Did you see an increase or decrease in blood pressure?

Generally BP will go up a bit and if done correctly will lower with time back to baseline or better. More frequent injections with smaller doses helps most tremendously with spikes in BP as well.
Any of you guys that are on TRT, did you have high blood pressure going into it? Any concerns from your cardiologist about it? Did you see an increase or decrease in blood pressure?
Yes, and yes. I was considered prehypertensive typically low 130's over high 80's. I was doing pretty good dosing 100mg weekly, but my numbers were in the high 300' to low 400's. Doc bumped me up to 150mg weekly and I developed polythycemia. My marrow started over producing hemoglobin and hematocrit which causes your blood to thicken. BP went up to 160's over 100... been on blood pressure meds ever since. I stopped taking test earlier this year but plan to resume soon.
Any of you guys that are on TRT, did you have high blood pressure going into it? Any concerns from your cardiologist about it? Did you see an increase or decrease in blood pressure?

I never had high blood pressure but went off TRT after 9 months when my BP was 201/165. Now I am on BP meds and honestly don’t feel much different since stopping the TRT.

I am lighter now than I have been in years and my fitness is better than when I started and I have been off it since August.

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Been on TRT for over 10 years. Level was 125. Did injections FOREVER until I started BioT pellets. Best thing ever. Pellets every 4-6 months and nothing else. Never had high blood pressure until last year. 41 y/o now. It was 200ish/155ish. Daily pill of Valsartan and now 125/75. DM for any questions about BioT.
Holy s%$5 That is call an ambulance level BP. Were you testing BP before starting and was in normal range, then it climbed that high during TRT?

I am friends with my cardiologist and he said it sounds like my machine was broken after a discussion with me. He was at the hospital doing rounds and when I got to his office and the nurse he had take my pressure asked me about it she literally was panicked when I said what my machine said saying if that's true there is nothing they could do at the office and I needed to be in the hospital. When she took it I believe it was 168/98. I was told to immediately stop the TRT and was put on BP meds. My BP is still elevated with it usually being 125/90- 140/95. I have dropped over 30 pounds and even with that it is staying in this range.

The only time I had high BP before was the day I had a widowmaker heart attack which was when I was 43 and just a few months after I won the BJJ Pan Ams. I am 56 now and never had another issue until this . I was working out 3-6 days a week. My BP before TRT was always 110/70- 130/90 and most times right at 120/80.
Took me 2 days of frequent interruptions but made it through the 21 pages. Thanks to those that have shared their experiences (good and bad). I've been tossing this idea around for about two years now as ive experienced many of the same issues described by members on here. Had my test levels checked last year and I believe it was 425. I was 37 at the time so I imagine it's done nothing but go lower. of course my pcp wouldn't touch the topic and recommended depression meds instead (no damn way) based on me telling him about my symptoms (lack of energy, lack of motivation, decreased sex drive, poor sleep, weight gain...).

If you're a Washington resident and don't mind sharing the name of the clinic you're happy with please let me know (or pm if you don't want it public).
Vitality in Spokane will do anyone in Idaho, WA, Oregon, and Montana. Vitality mens clinic, same place I've used since I started this thread. Nothing but good things to say.

Edit-It's all done online/phone as well, very easy to make it happen.
Had a checkup tuesday and they drew blood for a full work up. My T is 497 is what I was told over the phone...I need to pick up a print out tomorrow. I will be 67 yoa 8/23. Was thinking about trt but now I am not sure...started diet transition to carnivore on tuesday also....bp was 170/101 on tuesday and 48 hrs off of a prescription anti inflammatory it is back down to 110/70..but my lower body joints hurt...hope carnivore helps with my auto immune issue.
Had a checkup tuesday and they drew blood for a full work up. My T is 497 is what I was told over the phone...I need to pick up a print out tomorrow. I will be 67 yoa 8/23. Was thinking about trt but now I am not sure...started diet transition to carnivore on tuesday also....bp was 170/101 on tuesday and 48 hrs off of a prescription anti inflammatory it is back down to 110/70..but my lower body joints hurt...hope carnivore helps with my auto immune issue.
Google: total testosterone vs. free testosterone levels. Hopefully your labs show both values.
Note to add here. I started running the past few months nothing big as averaging 28 miles a month and my total jumped 280 overall and free jumped 7. Just good for thought on adding in some running to help with T levels.
Google: total testosterone vs. free testosterone levels. Hopefully your labs show both values.
I asked for t to be on the blood work but I do not think it has the free #, will know later when I pick up the printout. Appreciate your input, have a good holiday.