I have had chronic hypertension most of my adult life, and in fact it had gone unchecked so long that I’ve now been diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm. I broached this subject with my cardiologist several years ago and he IMMEDIATELY told me not to even consider it. I’ve been on a really strict healthy diet and exercise plan now for a few years. I stopped drinking two years ago, the only meat I eat is from the animals I kill, and I don’t eat processed foods or sugars. I feel better now than I did in my 20s, my blood pressure is normal without medication, I have tons of energy, and just feel alive. I’m 47 and my plan is to be in better shape at 50 than I was at 25.
As much of a draw the idea of trt is, especially thinking about workout gains and things like that, I consistently hear stories like above, and multiple cardiologists have told me, for me, it’s not recommended. So I will stick to the natural path and hope that my body does not betray me, at least for another couple decades or more!
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