TRT Anyone?

^ absolutely!
I take walks when I can,even at work and take my shirt off.
I don’t sleep well and haven’t in 20 years,5-6 hrs but not with out trying everything.I have just learned to embrace it.
Yep,twice,I heard jocko say once do you really think he wouldn’t rather sleep a few more hours.He’s just wired for flight and hard to settle down.Well that’s kind of we’re im at.
Im in better shape then most men my age in my area but it’s due to all the work I put in.
I know I could have more muscle etc if my sleep was better but it isn’t.I have just told myself it could be worse and just keep going.
My best friend sleeps 8 solid hours every night and doesn't move,plus he snores like a bear!
He’s overweight,has biceps the size of my wife and can’t do a pull up.You can’t hardly get him up,i cant tell you how many times he has been left in the tent because he wouldn’t get up to hunt,fish etc in the last 30 years.
So in saying that I do think sleep is very important but it’s not the Godsend people are now touting.It’s a new fad in the fitness industry people are trying to capitalize on.
In the works of Jocko(Good)
Yep,twice,I heard jocko say once do you really think he wouldn’t rather sleep a few more hours.He’s just wired for flight and hard to settle down.Well that’s kind of we’re im at.
Im in better shape then most men my age in my area but it’s due to all the work I put in.
I know I could have more muscle etc if my sleep was better but it isn’t.I have just told myself it could be worse and just keep going.
My best friend sleeps 8 solid hours every night and doesn't move,plus he snores like a bear!
He’s overweight,has biceps the size of my wife and can’t do a pull up.You can’t hardly get him up,i cant tell you how many times he has been left in the tent because he wouldn’t get up to hunt,fish etc in the last 30 years.
So in saying that I do think sleep is very important but it’s not the Godsend people are now touting.It’s a new fad in the fitness industry people are trying to capitalize on.
In the works of Jocko(Good)

Glad you found a way to work around it. Wife sleeps 5-6 hours a night. I sleep 8-10 effortlessly. She started sleeping less in her 50s. She's 62, fit, excellent health. EveryBODY is different. It's not one size fits all, though many things are one size fits most.
The less meds the better. It really comes down to how you feel. If you feel great with a level of 307, then no need to add anything.
Ehh I don’t feel great and I don’t know how much is related to overworking myself vs this is real feeling secondary to low ish T.

So I’ve worked (5) 14 hr shifts this week; Sunday through Thursday. Last night (Friday I worked 4-2 am.

Had to be back up at 545 this am to be at work at 7am until 8 pm

Then I work 7-7 tomorrow and then back on (4) 14 hour overnights and then off a week
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Glad you found a way to work around it. Wife sleeps 5-6 hours a night. I sleep 8-10 effortlessly. She started sleeping less in her 50s. She's 62, fit, excellent health. EveryBODY is different. It's not one size fits all, though many things are one size fits most.
I can't even imagine, remembering when I sleep 10 hrs.
25 yrs ago?
The less meds the better. It really comes down to how you feel. If you feel great with a level of 307, then no need to add anything.
Conversely, if you feel like shit at 400, it may be time to act. The reference ranges were determined from a random sample of males in select age groups. That means your level is being compared to a Cheeto eating bag of inactive lard on the skinny tail. He moved the mean down. Why would you not want to be compared to a fit male with an active lifestyle?
I can't even imagine, remembering when I sleep 10 hrs.
25 yrs ago?
And I'm out in literally minutes. Wasn't always this easy. No explanation other than very little stress in my life. I do my job. I work out often. No news viewing or Facebook, etc. I'm on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Wait, we may onto something. :-)
So at 38, my testosterone is 307.
Dr said this is acceptable, but one good thing about him he is reluctant to start meds … but all the ranges I’ve been reading are saying I should be in the 600 range.

Same boat. Heavy letting and diet will bring it up marginally but my dr says the risks of trt outweigh the benefits

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I’m no doctor but i think yours is wrong,im not saying some people have issues but do your own research.Just because he’s a doctor does not mean he is actually that smart at trt or endocrinology.
My endo is one of the longest standing in the state and he’s a not on a log.I’m sure he’s smart in a lot of ways buy he went to school a long time ago.
I listen to him,take some advise but give my imput,give my request for certain labs and take control,I keep my labs with notes of how I feel,mood,libido,stress,erections,strength etc.
Research it like a new hunting area,learn it and make your own decisions.
If you have issues sleeping maybe try no electronics for a few hours before bed (no blue light), read a book for a bit when you lay down, L-tryptophan on an empty stomach not only helps sleep but also hgh production while sleeping. If you wake maybe read that book blue light.

Get out in bright sun everyday also plus 15,000 iu of d3 daily.