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  • Zap, can you tell me the difference between a guide lite and guide lite Mtn frame? I've tried to find it online. I'm 5'10", 170lbs, 32-33" waist, and a little longer than normal torso for my height. In your opinion, would your pack be a good fit for me? Thanks in advance,

    Clayt Doty
    Venice, Florida
    Mt has a little different belt, different buckles. The frame I have should work for you. Fits 5'6"-6'2" height and 29-34" waist. The yoke adjusts easily for different length torso's.
    Can you send me a couple pictures? My cell # is 513-274-3346 or my email is [email protected]
    Thank you
    Sure, it will be sometime this evening via text. Thanks.
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