Suppressor wait times

And is also something that they could have done during the 9 months of waiting for the stamp. There is no requirement for when the notification to the CLEO has to take place, just that it has to happen before the owner takes possession.
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner! SC has their heads up their a$$. Why anybody still uses them is beyond me. The wait is long enough as it is but they will EASILY extend your wait time by a month(and likely much more) with their unnecessary delays.
Why would they notify them before there's an approval. If they did that they'd inevitably notify and then have the application get rejected at some point. Sure, most of the time it would work out and be faster but I can see why they wouldn't notify before it's approved.

Not saying Silencer Central has everything together, they could certainly speed up the process in several areas. I'm just not sure if that would be one to focus on.

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Why would they notify them before there's an approval. If they did that they'd inevitably notify and then have the application get rejected at some point. Sure, most of the time it would work out and be faster but I can see why they wouldn't notify before it's approved.

Not saying Silencer Central has everything together, they could certainly speed up the process in several areas. I'm just not sure if that would be one to focus on.

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Iv used three different places and processes now to do form 4s now, none of them have waited to send to CLEO until approval.
Iv used three different places and processes now to do form 4s now, none of them have waited to send to CLEO until approval.
Fair enough, maybe there's no harm if they notify and it gets rejected.

Silencer Central has its issues no doubt, but to me the real problem is the ATF. This shouldn't be such a slow process.

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12/15/22 - approved 8/10/23

Silencer Central has been great thus far to me. We’ll see how quickly I actually get it with there 7 day waiting period after notifying the county before shipping
Fair enough, maybe there's no harm if they notify and it gets rejected.

Silencer Central has its issues no doubt, but to me the real problem is the ATF. This shouldn't be such a slow process.

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Correct, there is no harm. The notification is just that, a notification. If it ends up getting denied, no big deal. Plus, in most cases the denial is administrative and ends up just getting fixe, resubmitted, and approved.
Not a lot of people who would get disapproved doing Form 4s.
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner! SC has their heads up their a$$. Why anybody still uses them is beyond me. The wait is long enough as it is but they will EASILY extend your wait time by a month(and likely much more) with their unnecessary delays.
My last silencercentral suppressor was approved on a Tues and it was in my mailbox the following Fri or Sat. This is so much easier and faster than what had to be done years ago. I am currently on my 4th silencercentral purchase without any notable delay.
This is so much easier and faster than what had to be done years ago.

There is "years ago" and then there is years ago. I was living in TX when I first got into suppressors. At that time Silencer Shop still had a storefront and you could buy directly from them and they would ship to your door as a TX resident.
I think my first one took 73 days from filling out the paperwork at their place in Austin to when it showed up at my door in Cypress. I ended up with 4 of them that year. That is what I have to compare to. Suppressors have gotten much more popular since that time, which is what led to 41F in the first place and what has led to the current situation we have with wait times and the ATF going after Form 1 builds. It has also led to much more competition and innovation, so there has been an upside as well.

The only way this gets better is if suppressors get deregulated. I would urge everyone to join the ASA (American Suppressor Association). Knox and his team have done some really great work lobbying at the State and Federal level to remove suppressor restrictions and they continue to fight to get them deregulated. They are also good people, unlike the leaders of some other organizations who purportedly fight for our gun rights.
Why would they notify them before there's an approval. If they did that they'd inevitably notify and then have the application get rejected at some point. Sure, most of the time it would work out and be faster but I can see why they wouldn't notify before it's approved.

Not saying Silencer Central has everything together, they could certainly speed up the process in several areas. I'm just not sure if that would be one to focus on.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
I asked them about it, and a rep told me that it was their policy to do it after approval to save the time and cost of certified letter in case it was denied. I was hoping that I could request that they do it during my wait. I understand that the cost of those letters for applications that get denied might add up, but does it outweigh the ding on their reputation that is the time they take over other companies? Its definitely not a strategy I was aware of when I ordered, thats for sure.
I asked them about it, and a rep told me that it was their policy to do it after approval to save the time and cost of certified letter in case it was denied. I was hoping that I could request that they do it during my wait. I understand that the cost of those letters for applications that get denied might add up, but does it outweigh the ding on their reputation that is the time they take over other companies? Its definitely not a strategy I was aware of when I ordered, thats for sure.

There is no requirement for it to be sent certified mail, so if they are citing the cost as justification, it just proves that they are making it harder, costlier, and longer than it needs to be.
We need more Democrats taking up hunting suppressed. Washington DC is entirely ruled by the DNC so if more soy boys start hunting with cans, maybe there will be change.
We need more Democrats taking up hunting suppressed. Washington DC is entirely ruled by the DNC so if more soy boys start hunting with cans, maybe there will be change.
You can count me as one of those soy boys then ;) Got a handful of suppressors, a handful more in the queue, and proselytize whenever I have the opportunity.
My last silencercentral suppressor was approved on a Tues and it was in my mailbox the following Fri or Sat. This is so much easier and faster than what had to be done years ago. I am currently on my 4th silencercentral purchase without any notable delay.
I call B.S, on this.
Why would they notify them before there's an approval. If they did that they'd inevitably notify and then have the application get rejected at some point. Sure, most of the time it would work out and be faster but I can see why they wouldn't notify before it's approved.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Because this is what every other retailer does. My understanding is that 90+% of LE offices don't care and never respond. The letters likely end up in the trash.
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I call B.S, on this.
Not sure how you’re arguing with someone’s actual experience? Like people have something to gain getting on rokslide and fluffing SC?

I got my approval this week and I’ll repost with actual timeline to my door from SC, then you (and maybe me, ha) can rant about it. I’m in the next state over so shouldn’t be crazy. They haven’t shipped it to the in state dealer yet from SD. HAD I purchased locally instead of online my silencer would be in my hands obviously.

The one thing I don’t quite follow is all of the comments about SC being silly and following rules they don’t have to. The entire businesses’ process is different, and they have a “deviation” or similar approved with ATF they brokered. Pretty sure their lawyers would have some comment about what timelines they follow, black and white or not. Point being, what would they have to gain by being purposefully slow? Maybe it is stupidity of incompetence, maybe it is just following the process they proposed to the feds - in any event, use them or don’t, that’s an individual choice. They certainly make it easy at the expense of being “fastest” to having one in hand. Seems like no one is really arguing that, or needs reminded of it at this point.