Suppressor wait times

The guy at the shop mentioned most are coming back 6-7 months, he said a ton of trusts are getting denied and they have to start over.
I got denied because two letters were transposed in my name in one spot. Originally Certified 3/21/22 and still waiting....

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I got denied because two letters were transposed in my name in one spot. Originally Certified 3/21/22 and still waiting....

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
Hopefully it’s moved to the top of the heap as they’ve already reviewed it. Wishful thinking anyways.
Submitted 12/10
Approved 8/17
LGS individual application
Harvester Evo

(250 days)

Also had a friend apply a week later from the same place, he got approved last night at 8pm
Seems like things are picking up. Tons of guys getting approvals back under 3mo right now. Not sure why exactly but it seems there are rumors about the ATF getting some backlash on how long things are taking and they're trying to pad their stats.

With these recent December approvals I'm hoping mine could be any day now from Jan.