Suppressor wait times

and that supposed 7 day leo notification from SC magically turns into an additional 3-4 weeks of wait time.....
Yep. Then they will blame USPS for the letter not being delivered for over 13 business days, even though their headquarters is in the neighboring state. Then an additional 2 weeks wait while they wait for your states “turn” to send out shipments. Add those wait times on top of the 2 months they sat on your initial paperwork before sending it into the ATF.

I will never do business with them again.
I had 2 from January 11th get approved the end of July a week apart. No trust. Longest was 195 days IIRC.
You are getting close.

Hopefully he’s getting close. I’m waiting on two from October 24. There’s many people in the Reddit thread that are still waiting from September to December of 2022. The order they do these makes no sense at all.

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Not sure how you’re arguing with someone’s actual experience? Like people have something to gain getting on rokslide and fluffing SC?

I got my approval this week and I’ll repost with actual timeline to my door from SC, then you (and maybe me, ha) can rant about it. I’m in the next state over so shouldn’t be crazy. They haven’t shipped it to the in state dealer yet from SD. HAD I purchased locally instead of online my silencer would be in my hands obviously.

The one thing I don’t quite follow is all of the comments about SC being silly and following rules they don’t have to. The entire businesses’ process is different, and they have a “deviation” or similar approved with ATF they brokered. Pretty sure their lawyers would have some comment about what timelines they follow, black and white or not. Point being, what would they have to gain by being purposefully slow? Maybe it is stupidity of incompetence, maybe it is just following the process they proposed to the feds - in any event, use them or don’t, that’s an individual choice. They certainly make it easy at the expense of being “fastest” to having one in hand. Seems like no one is really arguing that, or needs reminded of it at this point.
Because what you're claiming is that somehow, your experience is different than their standard business practice and what everyone else has experienced. I'll help you out with your timeline. Once the approval from ATF is obtained, SC then sends out your certified letter to your local LE. I think we can assume this will take anywhere from 2-7 days to reach your local LE. They will then give your local LE 7 business days from the time of receipt of the letter to respond. So, right there, you're already into it at least 2 extra wks. Then, they will ship your suppressor. Again, another 2-5 days in a best case scenario. So, as you will see, your claim of getting it in 3-4 days is pure hogwash.

SC is indeed making up their own rules. They don't have to wait for your ATF approval to notify local LE. They can do it simultaneously while ATF is approving your application so that the wait times overlap. This is what EVERY OTHER retailer does. And it doesn't matter that they are sending it via mail. The rules are the same. What one poster has already indicated is what I suspected--SC thinks it's better business practice to only send out the certified letters(which are also totally unnecessary and not required by law) once they have the ATF approval because, heaven forbid, they might waste a stamp on one that didn't get approved. My guess is that >95% of applications eventually get approved by ATF. Is it really good business practice to avoid wasting a stamp for less than 5% and tarnish your reputation online with the customer base and lose potential future business that far exceeds the money saved for a few stamps?
Because what you're claiming is that somehow, your experience is different than their standard business practice and what everyone else has experienced. I'll help you out with your timeline. Once the approval from ATF is obtained, SC then sends out your certified letter to your local LE. I think we can assume this will take anywhere from 2-7 days to reach your local LE. They will then give your local LE 7 business days from the time of receipt of the letter to respond. So, right there, you're already into it at least 2 extra wks. Then, they will ship your suppressor. Again, another 2-5 days in a best case scenario. So, as you will see, your claim of getting it in 3-4 days is pure hogwash.

SC is indeed making up their own rules. They don't have to wait for your ATF approval to notify local LE. They can do it simultaneously while ATF is approving your application so that the wait times overlap. This is what EVERY OTHER retailer does. And it doesn't matter that they are sending it via mail. The rules are the same. What one poster has already indicated is what I suspected--SC thinks it's better business practice to only send out the certified letters(which are also totally unnecessary and not required by law) once they have the ATF approval because, heaven forbid, they might waste a stamp on one that didn't get approved. My guess is that >95% of applications eventually get approved by ATF. Is it really good business practice to avoid wasting a stamp for less than 5% and tarnish your reputation online with the customer base and lose potential future business that far exceeds the money saved for a few stamps?
Hi, my name is josh. And I would like to come out and identify as a SC customer who has a positive experience. And you better not assume anything different. Make sure to ask me what my preferred experience level is. Thanks for your inclusiveness of me on this issue.
. So, as you will see, your claim of getting it in 3-4 days is pure hogwash.?
Yeah I didn’t say I expected to get it in 3-4 days? I DID say I’d report on timeline becomes this is a thread about that. Like I said, when they take forever to get mine here, I’ll be the first to post that timeline for others to know.

I’m not sure at what point the facts pertaining to my experience became up for debate, that’s an interesting assertion. “Everyone” is a pretty strong term to get on the internet and campaign with. Here’s an idea: let’s just have people post timelines and experience, and you can start a thread dedicated to all the ways SC is the worst company/idea/process/whatever. You appear to be enforcing across these silencer threads like the anti-SC brigade, and anyone who chooses to use the business is just a moron. Guess what? It isn’t your money, your time, or your experience. It simply doesn’t matter.

Thanks for the help the with timeline. I’m going to go ahead and just experience the reality of it, rather than take your word for it, and then post it. Please continue on accosting every SC customer you can find though.
Yeah I didn’t say I expected to get it in 3-4 days? I DID say I’d report on timeline becomes this is a thread about that. Like I said, when they take forever to get mine here, I’ll be the first to post that timeline for others to know.
No, you said, and I quote "My last silencercentral suppressor was approved on a Tues and it was in my mailbox the following Fri or Sat." That's 3-4 days.
I think everyone just needs to go ahead and hit the ignore button on Dave C. (I did months ago). His only mission on Rokslide is to argue against silencer central. It doesn’t matter if you had a positive experience with them, you’re wrong to him. Literally every time they’re mentioned, he pops up to argue it. He’s responsible for dozens of wasted pages on suppressor threads
Sorry. My bad. But you were questioning my ability to "argue" with someone's personal experience. I'll argue when it's clearly a lie and for those of you who claim to "ignore" me, suit yourself. Don't say you weren't forewarned about SC and make the mistake for yourself like I did. I'm simply stating the truth. Some people can't handle the truth. I have no agenda other than to help people learn from my bad experience. If you choose to ignore that and believe the posts by SC fanboys, totally your choice.
BTW, if you're "ignoring" me, how do you know this conversation is even taking place????
Sorry. My bad. But you were questioning my ability to "argue" with someone's personal experience. I'll argue when it's clearly a lie and for those of you who claim to "ignore" me, suit yourself. Don't say you weren't forewarned about SC and make the mistake for yourself like I did. I'm simply stating the truth. Some people can't handle the truth. I have no agenda other than to help people learn from my bad experience. If you choose to ignore that and believe the posts by SC fanboys, totally your choice.
BTW, if you're "ignoring" me, how do you know this conversation is even taking place????
Again, I didn't say I had hit ignore, different poster. Keep up with who is saying what if you want to argue? At least get the person correct? I wasn't questioning your ability to argue, just the validity of it. Differentiation and words matter. I'm not sure who these "many people" that cannot handle the truth are, but your broad brushes contribute nothing.

Please, just chill. You've made your point, many, many times over, so time to move on. No one is asking to be forewarned by you personally at this point. I do not login to Rokslide to argue, but I also do not tolerate those who so unabashedly persue the behavoir. But by all means keep it up, I love seeing this place get cleaned out of those who can't be civil or act like an adult.
Sorry. My bad. But you were questioning my ability to "argue" with someone's personal experience. I'll argue when it's clearly a lie and for those of you who claim to "ignore" me, suit yourself. Don't say you weren't forewarned about SC and make the mistake for yourself like I did. I'm simply stating the truth. Some people can't handle the truth. I have no agenda other than to help people learn from my bad experience. If you choose to ignore that and believe the posts by SC fanboys, totally your choice.
BTW, if you're "ignoring" me, how do you know this conversation is even taking place????
They can see it when people quote you.

Edit to add, calling someone a liar because you disagree with their personal experience is pretty extreme. It makes your points hit with a little less impact because it seems you may have an agenda.
So, as you will see, your claim of getting it in 3-4 days is pure hogwash.
I am sorry that was poor wording on my part, I meant Tues to the next Fri or Sat as in 10-11days not 3-4.
They will then give your local LE 7 business days from the time of receipt of the letter to respond. So, right there, you're already into it at least 2 extra wks. Then, they will ship your suppressor. Again, another 2-5 days in a best case scenario.

They do not HAVE to wait 7 days if law enforcement replies positively (as mine does). They ship to your local (states) office during this "7 day" waiting period so it is ready to ship when approval or 7 days are up.
I'll argue when it's clearly a lie
Not a lie my friend.

To me it sounds like you are describing the worst case scenario.

The salesman I have dealt with from the beginning has been awesome, the most helpful and informative guy one could ever ask for. If I can click a few buttons on my phone and a suppressor (in trust) shows up in my mailbox 6 months or a year down the road that's perfect for me.
Awesome for you, but I see that and get ticked. This system is so ridiculous. 242 days…..and waiting

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The guy at the shop mentioned most are coming back 6-7 months, he said a ton of trusts are getting denied and they have to start over.