If you really want a Toyota right now, you are pretty much going to have to pay near MSRP for it when it was new. Its just the way they are right now. The old models of the Tundra and Tacoma are most likely going to hold their value. The Gen 3 Tundra doesnt seem to be holding the Tundra reliability it was known for and the new Tacoma's are yet to be tested. I think you will have a couple more years of high resale and if they get the issues solved, older models will fall in price. If they dont, older models will maintain high resale.
If you go F150 and its the 3.5, start saving for new turbos the day you drive it home. They are pretty known for going out around 150K. Some do and some dont but the last time I heard its 5-6K to get them done.
I was in your same boat and ended up getting a Tacoma off a family member. I got an ok deal but it was still a punch in the balls.