I'm interested in hearing your position and opinion on the subject at hand if you'd care to share it.
Prepare to be underwhelmed. Here is my position and opinion on the subject of wolf introduction in Colorado:
I don't know. I'm still learning about the issue.
Alright, now that I'm finished with my big reveal, let me dispel any ideas that I'm trolling you guys. These are the reasons why I've suddenly started commenting on these threads after reading them for almost 4 years:
1. These wolf threads, regardless of which state is involved, are just one big echo chamber. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that you guys have been polishing your anti-wolf opinions on each other. You all need dissenting opinions to get your brain juices flowing, otherwise, you're just repeating the same uninsightful crap the last guy said, and so on and so on.
2. The majority of the opinions in these threads are supported by nothing more than anecdotes. "Somebody saw this", "I don't see as many elk as I used to", etc etc. One man's perspective or experience doesn't make a fact. One rancher's experience doesn't make a fact. A group or organization's claims, that have a financial incentive to exaggerate, can't make a fact worth listening to. You can't expect anyone with a basic understanding of science and making persuasive arguments, accept anecdotal evidence as fact.
3. No one, except for Hunt4lyf, has ever bothered to even try and support their arguments with linked sources. Not just this thread either. I specifically ask people to provide sources but they never do. Why is that? Maybe it's because their sources don't exist outside of this forum or outside of "this guy/friend/outfit told me..".
4. Going on a hunting forum that is viewable by the general public and promoting unethical hunting and illegal activities is retarded. It's even worse when a quick search thru their post history shows them to be hypocrites as well. Ethics apply whether it's a wolf or an elk. It's that simple.
5. No one has offered up any verifiable evidence that wolves are going to wipe out all the elk and deer. Yet so many have made that claim in these threads. Why is that? I'm sure there has been specific, small areas where wolf predation was devastating but how does that relate to an entire state or region? Is 19 dead elk in Bondurant a reflection of what's happening in the entire state of Wyoming? If so, prove it using numbers, statistics, anything.
6. Academically speaking, I find wolves fascinating. When I worked, fished and hunted in Alaska, I had hoped to see one. Never did though, just tracks. They're pretty reclusive and shy, according to what I've read.
7. I research stuff as a hobby and as an occasional profession. Mostly business, agricultural and sometimes legal stuff but learning about wildlife has been my lifelong hobby. I don't construct arguments based on anecdotes. Nobody with half of a brain would pay me for that. I get paid to research things from an objective viewpoint and construct proposals based on valid information. It's up to me to determine what's valid and that expertise is why I get paid for it.
8. I can see centuries old hysteria in all of these threads. Crack open a history book from Europe and you'll see the same arguments that existed 500 years ago. Difference is, they were allegedly being eaten by wolves, not just their pets.
9. Human activities (an all encompassing generalization) are what's screwing up your hunting. Wolves are mainly just the fall guys for why you don't see as many critters as you used to. Don't believe me? Then Challenge it and see if I don't bombard your ass with months worth of reading. Like I said before, research is my hobby that I occasionally get paid to do.
10. I genuinely want to know if wolves are any where near as harmful to the environment as many of you claim they are. That's why I ask for sources and try to calm the hysteria. If they are as bad as you all make them out to be, then construct an argument with valid data that we can bombard officials with. Polish that argument here and we can make it a group effort. But if you all continue to support your arguments with weak, invalid data (anecdotes and isolated events) then nothing is ever going to change because no one is going to listen outside of this echo chamber. That's the facts, Jack.
Alright, I think I'm done with this thread. My hands hurt from typing and I doubt the effort will be appreciated by most of you. You all got your answers though.