Honestly what the **** is this forum? I thought this was about hunting. Personally iIm really tired of the plight of the rancher, these people own thousands of acres, half of them don’t even live where they “ranch,” complain about wildlife “damages,” while they get heavily subsidized grazing on our federal public lands, and then they get cash from the government when predators kill calves too. Handouts at every turn, made al the more egregious when you stake your worldview on rugged individualism of the west, and bitch and moan about what makes that place rugged and wild to begin with.
And for those of you who somehow think wolves are killing all the game, you might want to do some napkin math on how many animals wolves kill vs humans, it ain’t close and it never will be. Humans kill more elk and deer by an order of magnitude than wolves do even when you only count hunting and not cars, habitat destruction, etc.
I do have to hand it to you though, I wouldn’t step foot outside if i was as scared as some of you are of lions, wolves, and bears OH MY.