Colorado Wolf Shot and Killed… in Wyoming

I’d be curious to know how much money was spent on this wolf. From trapping, relocating, collar, releasing, Wyoming personnel involved with dealing with it….Plus the livestock killed and reimbursement if any. Then the funeral procession back to Colorado, and pointless studies CO likely done on the animal afterwards. It really should have stayed in BC.
No wonder NRs of Colorado get to pay $825.03 for an elk tag this year
This Edward dude is scary stupid. Demanding neighboring states to honor their efforts?? How about honor the efforts of the farm and ranch communities. Stating they can prevent wolves from killing livestock?? Should we also honor the Colorado drug laws? How about giving up entire sidewalks in cities to homeless bums should we also honor those great Colorado decisions?? This guy needs fed to the wolves
Exactly. How about Colorado and Mr. Edward's respect neighboring state laws and not allow the wolves to cross the border? Wasn't the animal collared? They knew where this thing was. Wyoming should have been notified and Colorado should have fetched their pet.
Exactly. How about Colorado and Mr. Edward's respect neighboring state laws and not allow the wolves to cross the border? Wasn't the animal collared? They knew where this thing was. Wyoming should have been notified and Colorado should have fetched their pet.
Like my dogs fenced in my backyard, they're my responsibility if they get out. Colorado's wolves are no different, if they get it out should be their responsibility.